Essays on Rebellion


I would like to use this chance to speak to the British congressmen about a number of issues that are crucial to the health of this great country. The ongoing revolt in America horrifies me because, in my opinion, it betrays both myself and our wonderful country. In order to...

Words: 252

Pages: 1

The Hunger Game Book and Film Compared

The Hunger Games is a novel written by Suzanne Collins that takes place in the future in a place called Panem after the annihilation of North America. According to Collins, the rich capital is responsible for 12 underprivileged neighborhoods. It had 13 districts, but one was destroyed due to revolt....

Words: 2434

Pages: 9

During the late 19th century, strikes happened in many regions of the United States.

In the late 19th century There were numerous incidents of protests in many parts of the United States. In some areas, including the Pullman, strikes progressed to a warlike scenario. The type of management style was the key reason why staff strikes became widespread in the late 19th century. The management...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

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