Essays on Entertainment

As you go about writing your entertainment essay, remember that people were after “bread and circuses” since the 1st century CE. There is no surprise that the entertainment industry has been on the rise ever since, captivating people's attention with cinema, theatre, music, and other ways to spice up the routine. Many entertainment essays nowadays feature more contemporary forms of entertainment – TV shows, YouTube videos, podcasts, live streams, etc. Writing good essays on entertainment is not easy, as this topic provides an extra requirement for your work – entertainment essay should be not just informative, but also fun to read. We prepared some entertainment essay samples you can draw inspiration from. Our best samples of essays on entertainment are presented below for your viewing pleasure!

The evolution of television

Reality television shows are presently steadily advancing in the evolution of television content. The switch from reality shows to fiction drama series has made regular television watchers into compulsive voyeurs. Diverse opinions on reality television's impact have been expressed, spanning from support to criticism. In his piece "Reality television: oxymoron,"...

Words: 3499

Pages: 13

Viewer Demands Driving Change in Television Programing Priorities

Previously, people would assemble in front of their televisions in living rooms to watch their favorite programs on a broadcaster-determined schedule in bite-sized chunks every week. The shows' stories and protagonists were what kept viewers interested during watching. Terrence Rafferty contends that viewing patterns are changing in line with the...

Words: 1374

Pages: 5

About Online Sexual Predators

Various groups around the globe have branded the Internet as a source of evil in society. This fact is primarily due to the abundance and supply of pornography that is available on different online websites. Porn on the Internet has had a significant impact on changing people's sexual orientation. The...

Words: 1592

Pages: 6


A well-known science fiction and action film with many scenes is X-men. It was adapted from a beloved comic book and improved to become a hugely successful film. Because it enhances several key elements essential to the film industry, X-men is important to the science fiction and action movie landscape....

Words: 586

Pages: 3

common knowledge

According to conventional wisdom, authors employ a variety of writing techniques to spread their message. Melville and James Joyce are also included. The writing levels and writing techniques used by Joyce and Melville in The Dead and The Paradise of Bachelors, respectively, are examined in this essay. Joyce concentrates on writing...

Words: 1170

Pages: 5

About Tritopia

A paradise called Tritopia A paradise called Tritopia can be found in the Sahara Desert. It is the best and most wonderful spot to be. People from all over the globe can easily access it thanks to its vantage point. Nothing bad or malicious ever occurs here. Here, the air is...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills

Face-to-face contact is being replaced by social media, which has increased brief but frequent communication while decreasing family-related interpersonal communication. The widespread use of social media as a result of recent technical advancements has changed communication patterns. The majority of people have access to social media, which they use in...

Words: 417

Pages: 2

Folklore, Fantasy and Parable in The Devil and Daniel Webster

Benét uses folklore, fantasy, and the parable to make his argument in "The Devil and Daniel Webster." Notably, Benét is portrayed as being a great orator because the story demonstrates how much Americans adore legends and folklore. As a result, after the severe economic depression that struck the United States,...

Words: 720

Pages: 3

“The New World” - Pocahontas

In his British-American movie "The New World," Terrence Malick depicts the establishment of the Virginia colony. Pocahontas seems to be at the center of the two civilizations as Terrence Malick attempts to picture how two civilizations meet and attempt to relate to one another because she is adored by all....

Words: 1443

Pages: 6

the film 12 Angry Men

In the movie 12 Angry Men a jury of twelve people deliberates on a murder case, and the accused in this instance, an inner-city teen will die if found guilty. The jury system is accustomed to dealing with personal issues and conflicts, but they quickly come to the surface, endangering...

Words: 1303

Pages: 5

Monsters and Marvels in Medieval Art History

This course mainly examines religion and folklore surrounding supernatural beings like demons and monsters. A learner may be able to understand a variety of ideas throughout their path of study. The first instruction focuses on sin, monstrous races, and classical ideas. The reader can learn more about the different zodiac...

Words: 279

Pages: 2

Danny Masterson fired from a Netflix program,” The Ranch,”

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Danny Masterson Recently, Danny Masterson was let go from the Netflix series "The Ranch" due to early 2000s sexual misconduct accusations. (Niraj). The early 2018 screenplays that featured Masterson were rejected. Masterson is still being accused by four separate women. Since the authorities had not yet submitted...

Words: 562

Pages: 3

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