Essays on Criminal Behavior

Alternatives to Crime

Preventing Crime Through Providing Options There are two conditions that must be met for any crime to be committed. First, there must be a criminally motivated person—either an adult or a juvenile—and second, there must be a specific chance for the crime to be committed. However, there are practical and effective...

Words: 382

Pages: 2

Characteristic Shape Gang Membership and Gang Behavior

Both society and law enforcement organizations are very concerned about the proliferation of gangs in this time period. Therefore, this essay will examine the growing number of gangs in both urban and rural regions. The paper requires the use of evidence from different works on the subject by other scholars....

Words: 1579

Pages: 6

Assault and Stalking

Stalking: Types and Methods Stalking is the practice of repeatedly engaging in actions aimed at a specific person or people with the intention of closely and covertly observing their movements. (Baum, 2011). It can make a reasonable person worry for his safety or even experience emotional distress, as Baum (2011) goes...

Words: 1342

Pages: 5

Bryan Butterfield vs. Nichole Cable

Kidnapping and Murder: The Case of Kyle Dube Kyle Dube, also known as Bryan Butterfield, was charged with abduction and killing Nichole Cable, a 15-year-old. According to a state police statement that was made public, Dube tricked Nichole out of her home by pretending to be Bryan Butterfield on Facebook. Dube...

Words: 1546

Pages: 6

Is ECO Tours liable for the accident caused by Buddy, their employee?

When a statutory duty of care is created, the law of negligence is applicable. The legal definition of negligence is the failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid causing harm to a person or an entity to whom the tortfeasor owes a legal obligation of care. Thus, the law requires...

Words: 2894

Pages: 11

Domestic Violence In Uganda

The assaults Sules suffered from her spouse, including the non-consensual sex and beatings, are not regarded as crimes in Uganda. Due to the well-known male chauvinist culture in Uganda, women are subjected to a variety of mistreatments from both their partners and other men. According to Birdhistle et al. (2013),...

Words: 1199

Pages: 5

Social change matrix

The Social Change Matrix The social change matrix is crucial and shows essential significance in dealing with a person's negative behavior. It helps to accomplish positive societal impact during the processes of rehabilitation, punishment, and recidivism. System thinking can assist in assuring change in the form of societal rehabilitation. (Cullen et...

Words: 655

Pages: 3


The probability that someone will repeatedly engage in illegal behavior is known as recidivism. Prisons are responsible for rehabilitating inmates' behavioral issues in order to promote harmony in society. Separating an offender from those who encourage crime is crucial for law enforcement because the idea of recidivism is seen as...

Words: 460

Pages: 2

A Criminal Investigation

In criminal cases, providing evidence is always a difficult process that requires extensive study and information gathering. The data given in the form of figures or statements must be adequate for making decisions and valid enough to be included in a good compilation of evidence. A cognitive interview is thought to...

Words: 2150

Pages: 8


As a juror, I would find Socrates guilty based on the reasons offered and the legal criteria taken into account. Reasons provided by Meletus Socrates commits a crime by exploring things beneath the earth and the heaven, corrupting them while believing he is making right out of them and imparting them to...

Words: 382

Pages: 2

Applying the Critical Thinking Model

The contextual study titled 'Obtaining the Confession' depicts a portion of the moral concerns that police investigators face on a daily basis while on the job. For the scenario analysis, the investigators violated the expert code of morality and the law by deceiving Rod Jones, the Police Chief in charge...

Words: 1446

Pages: 6


There has long been a broad and complex relationship between crime and the media. The media has had a significant impact on public opinion, policies, and perceptions of a variety of political, social, and even economic crimes. Hence, there is no debate about the impact of media coverage on public...

Words: 1627

Pages: 6

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