My Last Duchess and the Story of an Hour

Authors and their Mediums of Communication Authors of various works of literature use various mediums to communicate their work with the aim of eliciting a specific response from the target audience. As a consequence, others may use the same means to accomplish different goals, resulting in parallels and variations in the...

Words: 2971

Pages: 11

kate chopin's The story of an hour

The short plot The Story of An Hour employs verbal ambiguity, in which the characters words have contradictory underlying interpretations. A good example is when we are told, It is an honor to be Mila s mate. (Kate Chopin) Mila, on the other hand, much of the...

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Pages: 4

“Antigone” is a tragedy by Sophocles

Sophocles' tragedy "Antigone" Sophocles' tragedy "Antigone" was composed in or around 441 BC (Honig). The play is set in Thebes, where two heirs, Eteocles and Polynices, contend for Oedipus' kinship throne. Eteocles starts the war by sitting on the throne against Oedipus' orders. Both of them are killed on the battlefields....

Words: 531

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The Tension Between Fantasy and Reality

Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" and the American Dream Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman" reflects on the importance and meaning that is tied to the American dream of prosperity. The majority of people have immigrated to America in search of what they perceive to be the American dream. The...

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Pages: 6

Representation of Women in Modern Epics

Women have often been looked down upon in past realities and epics, with claims that they are incapable of performing such tasks. Gender inequality has been noted in some myths, where women are only portrayed as men's helpers. They're often referred to as "pleasure instruments" in some plays. Gender and...

Words: 3184

Pages: 12

Elements of Rhetoric as seen in Breaking Night and Between the World and Me

The Use of Ethos in Murray's "Breaking Dawn" and Coates' "Between the World and Me" The use of rhetorical devices such as ethos in Murray's "Breaking Dawn" and Coates' "Between the World and Me" shows why the writings have piqued the interest of many readers. In their essays, Ta-Nehisi Coates and...

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Beowulf: A Legendary Geat Chief and Heroic Warrior Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon and a great warrior in the land of Geats and Danes, is the protagonist of the poem. He is portrayed as a legendary Geat chief and an outstanding character of great courage in the poem. Without a doubt, the scene...

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Beowulf and the Revenge Theme

The motif of vengeance runs throughout the poem Beowulf. The poet expresses the theme through numerous characters by intertwining current and past incidents. Notably, he interrupts the main plot with contextual digressions that relate to what is happening in the main story both explicitly and implicitly. Any of the characters...

Words: 896

Pages: 4

Comparative analysis of two books; The Animal Farm and Looking Backwards

Introduction This paper would compare and contrast two books: Looking Backwards and Animal Farm. It will expand on the main topics of both of them and explain how certain problems and other fundamental concepts are linked or dissimilar. As a result, it will begin with a brief introduction to the two...

Words: 1749

Pages: 7


Orwell incorporates symbolism to reinforce the novel's multiple themes. Orwell wrote 1984 with the main aim of educating future generations about the risks of accepting a totalitarian state. The speaker uses strong metaphors to intensify the meaning of the thoughts when relaying the knowledge through various themes. Orwell uses icons such...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

1984 is a novel that explores the injustices faced by Oceania people

Different governments use distinct tactics to gain and maintain control of their subjects. 1984 is a book about the injustices that people in Oceania face. The ruling party wants communism by exploiting people in all facets of their lives. Thought, association, and anonymity are all hindered in order to undermine...

Words: 3063

Pages: 12

Krakauer’s characterization of Chris McCandless

Krakauer portrays Chris McCandless as a reckless adventurer Krakauer portrays Chris McCandless in his book "Into the Wild" as a reckless adventurer with risk-taking skills. He is portrayed as a very intriguing character who is driven to live a life that is not typical but exceptional. It's difficult to imagine Christopher...

Words: 897

Pages: 4

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