Response Essays

In most cases, you will have to take an already existing text and write down your thoughts and analysis after the careful study of the original. For example, an average nursing student may receive the work of a famous theorist or a law student may have a court study document to explore. See our free response paper samples to see how it must be structured and what to include in your introduction. Make sure to include basic information about the author and the text that you respond to. If you are unsure about your thesis, check at least one paper sample and see how the main argument represents a summary of all the critical points that the original publication has. Use references and suitable quotes to back up your argumentation.

"The Snowshoeing Artist Making Mountains Even More Beautiful."

Image "The Snowshoeing Artist Making Mountains Even More Beautiful." Outside Online. N.p., 2017. Retrieved from Web. 19 Nov. 2017. Simon Beck Simon Beck is regarded as the world's first and most well-known snow artist. Simon Beck earned his bachelor's degree in engineering from Oxford University. He did not follow this career, however,...

Words: 1160

Pages: 5

What did Heraclitus mean when he said "logos"?

When Heraclitus coined the term "logos," he was attempting to explain God's nature and divinity. Logos is that which is universally recognized and exists, but which is difficult for humans to comprehend. Because they fail to apply reason and understanding beyond what they see, humans may be inexperienced in the...

Words: 975

Pages: 4

Communication as the transmission and sharing of knowledge between individuals

Communication SkillsNeustaedter, Harrison, and Sellen (2013) define communication skills as the transmission and sharing of knowledge between individuals.Communication and RelationshipsAccording to sociologists, man is a social being who can create and maintain relationships through effective communication media. Proper communication, for example, binds and unites communities, fosters various types of friendships,...

Words: 645

Pages: 3

Character relationship analysis in Act one and two of Hamlet

Family Relationships in HamletWhen it comes to the production of Hamlet's storyline, family relationships come in handy. Surprisingly, many parents in play have poor relationships with their children. There are two major families, for example, Hamlet-Hamlet Sr. and Claudius-Gertrude vs. Ophelia-Polonius-Laertes. The bond between parents and their children is portrayed...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

james doty's into the magic shop

Meeting Life Goals and Self-Actualization James R. Doty, a neurosurgeon and prolific contributor to the field of medicine, offers insight into the possibilities of meeting life goals and experiencing a state of self-actualization by using the potential influence of one's heart and brain.Challenging Childhood and Finding Hope The author tells his life...

Words: 673

Pages: 3

philip caputo's a rumor of war

In the film A Rumor of War (1977) Actor Philip Caputo recounts his experiences as a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Caputo's first mission in Vietnam (March 1965) teaches him that his ideal notion of war bears little similarity to the violence he and his colleagues face...

Words: 675

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roman and ancient greek mythology

Greek myths are epic legends of overcoming daunting challenges and the dominance of gods and goddesses over the world. A causal interpretation of the tales would yield only a few outstanding stories of battles, conflicts, and romance told by old storytellers. A deeper understanding, on the other hand, reveals morality,...

Words: 2277

Pages: 9

The Things They Carried

O'Brien's Poetic Tactics and Storytelling Ability O'Brien employs poetic tactics to resolve his role in Vietnam's atrocities. Most notably, his storytelling ability reflects his exceptional creative abilities. In an apparent effort to overcome post-war depression, O'Brien employs his imagination to use narration as a means of reintegration into society.The Power of...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

Shakespeare’s Comedy and Tragedy Plays examination

Shakespeare s plays have been divided by scholars into different categories, including comedies and dramas. The playwright has shown considerable talent in exemplifying styles in his productions, but not to excellence, as most critics point out. In some ways, his play starts as a joke but concludes as a tragedy....

Words: 1233

Pages: 5

about the story of an hour

In the novel, Louise Mallard is a woman with a heart condition, making her the most vulnerable character. Her relatives understand that she should be carefully told of her husband s passing (Chopin, 2014). Her girlfriend, Josephine, is able to relay the news that her husband was involved in a...

Words: 1149

Pages: 5


The Emergence of Modernism The term "modernism" refers to a modern way of thought and practicing that differs from the conventional rules and writing methods used by older writers prior to the twentieth century. Any of the main forces that influenced the emergence of modernism were the development of modern industrial...

Words: 1022

Pages: 4

Role of the Deity Human Life According To Ancient Writers

Tales of gods and their encounters with humans abound in ancient literature. There is no way of knowing whether these myths and legends are real, or whether the names actually existed at all. What analysts can deduce from the sound and vocabulary of these tales is the writers' perspective on...

Words: 1413

Pages: 6

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