Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

Technology and Crime

When the term technology is mentioned What comes to the mind is the way working, living and transport have been made better than in the past. Many benefits can be drawn from various technologies, but the negative things it brings along cannot be overlooked. This is especially so in...

Words: 1825

Pages: 7

Persuasive Appeal in Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial

In the world of competition, companies embrace strategies which will catch the attention of customers, and the best way of achieving this is through attention-getting ads. One of such ads is the “Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial 2018” which features Peter Dinklage rapping Busta Rhyme’s song and Morgan Freeman who...

Words: 859

Pages: 4

The Need to Evaluate Whether Too Many People Are Going to College or Not

There is a need to evaluate whether too many people are going to college or not. The answer requires consideration of colleges as a place where liberal education is acquired, rather than a place where the students gain knowledge that fit them in some special modes of earning a livelihood....

Words: 1516

Pages: 6

Foster Care and Same-Sex Couples

Importance of Belonging and Foster Care There are specific things that every human being is entitled to have in order to live a comfortable and fulfilling life. As such, apart from the basic rights of food, shelter, and clothing, people need to have a sense of belonging which is important for...

Words: 1192

Pages: 5

The Human Side of Factory Automation: Managerial and Human Resource Strategies for Making Automation Succeed

The author explores autonomous car on its benefits, impact, cost and transportation planning issues in the future. The author explores the development of the self-driving cars and their adoption in the society as a result of technology advancement.  The author also highlights the benefits, challenges as well as their impact...

Words: 1863

Pages: 7

Meaning of Ignorance

One of the most significant uses of language is communicating to other people the very extent of their failings intellectually. This becomes more entertaining depending on the choice of the words used in the communication. This is because some words hold different meanings depending on the way we use them....

Words: 998

Pages: 4

Gun Control in the United States

History of Gun Laws in the United States Following a wave of recent gun-related acts of violence and mortalities caused using firearms in the United States, the issue of gun control has turned into one of the most divisive subjects of cultural, social, and political interest. Gun control refers explicitly to...

Words: 2542

Pages: 10

Why You Can't Sit Down to Eat Without Making a Statement

In today’s world, where people have ever-expanding and unprecedented access to information, they can find out anything they want to know about food while going to the food outlets or restaurants. Scott Canon’s article, “Why You Can’t Sit Down to Eat without Making a Statement,” explores the way Americans discover...

Words: 869

Pages: 4

Invisible Illnesses

When one visits a medical facility, he or might expect to see patients with traditional ailments such as malaria. In many cases, the urgency of a doctor or a medical attendant is based on the observable features such as sweating, external injuries or exhibiting unusual behavior. What many people and...

Words: 1674

Pages: 7

DACA: Moral Dilemma

The United States' Undocumented Immigrants The United States has millions of undocumented immigrants who came into the country as children before attaining the age of sixteen years, and their parents do not own legal residence in the US. This group of people accounts for 1.3 percent of the American population, and...

Words: 1575

Pages: 6

Analysis of International Skating

Sports is one of the activities, which is known to improve the general quality of human’s life. Different forms of sports tend to have an overall organization responsible for managing their international activities. For instance, FIFA is responsible for handling international matters involving football. Similarly, skating event is internationally managed...

Words: 2448

Pages: 9

Tourism and Environment

Tourism is a major source of income to the Economy. On the other hand however, it has been a major source of adverse externalities, more so to the surrounding environment. Negative impacts of tourism on the environment t emerges when the number of tourists exceeds the capacity that the environment...

Words: 1311

Pages: 5

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