Exemplification Essays

This kind of university paper deals with various topics with an intention to prove one's argumentation (thesis statement) by turning to numerous examples. You must provide a clear illustration of how something becomes possible as a result of a certain action or an attitude. Our essay examples will help you to get a starting point, so you can continue with your task. The most important is to provide something that can help you defend your primary position. Do not forget that some paper samples can be used as an example of correct formatting and structure. Exemplification only sounds challenging when you do not have a good reference. Therefore, just download the most fitting essay example and get things done!

About Defamation

The balance between one person's right to freedom of expression and the right of another person to protect one's integrity is often fragile. It is difficult to correctly state the personal comments are in order and which go against the rule of diffamation. The word diffamation has as many meanings...

Words: 1424

Pages: 6

Marijuana Legalization

Pyke, A, the guy (2016). The $2.4 billion effects of marijuana in Colorado are a lesson for five states seeking legalization. In this post, Alan Pyke discusses the economic effects of the legalization of marijuana with a focus on Colorado. Through citing that the weed industry has become one...

Words: 1641

Pages: 6

Advertisement in Facebook

Facebook ads is the practice of advertising on social medial for making money. It’s an example of what is called “paid social”. Paid social helps the users to find business that are based on their interest and goal in the ways that they behave online rather than in the paid...

Words: 1005

Pages: 4

The impact of divorce

Divorce's Influence on Children's Thinking and Attitudes Divorce's influence started as a myth in antiquity. Divorce, like a flaming bush, spread the message that it has an effect on children's thinking and attitudes toward marriage. It was previously said that if the parents were angry, the rest of the family would...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

gay marriage and social issues

Marriage has always been an essential part of life. It refers to the marriage of a man and a woman, except for gay couples, it refers to the slavery of two men. Gay marriage is a subject that has sparked intense discussion among people all over the world. Most societies...

Words: 996

Pages: 4

The death penalty

The death penalty is the method of taking a person's life as a penalty for a single offense they have done after a proper court trial has taken place. The state is the only one permitted to use it, and where any non-state entity kills an individual, it is referred...

Words: 1180

Pages: 5

Adoption versus Purchase from Breeders

Adoption and Its Merits and Demerits Adoption includes the acquisition of animals from shelters which serve as sanctuaries or rescue centers. The animals that are within that setup result out of the neglect by using the owners, abandonment or mistreatment from the given owners. The type of animals majorly falls under...

Words: 1029

Pages: 4

Disappearing Outdoor Food Stalls of Honk Kong

Hong Kong's Outdoor Food Stalls: A Vanishing Tradition Hong Kong's dai pai dongs, or outdoor food vendors, were once common among city dwellers but are now on the verge of extinction. The outdoor stalls sold delicious Chinese food at reasonable prices. Despite their success, dai pai dongs have a bleak future....

Words: 607

Pages: 3

why marriage of gay people should be legalized

Gay marriage, also known as same–sex marriage, is the union between two people of the same sex (Meezan & Rauch, 2005). There has been a relentless controversy in recent years about whether or not gay marriage should be allowed in the United States of America. This article is mostly intended...

Words: 1387

Pages: 6

Ideologies of Democracy in Practice

In order for democracy to be enforced The different government agencies must practice the requisite definition. Across the United States of America, the primary explanation that people remain uncertain over whether the United States of America is a democracy or a republic is due to the difficult-to-understand-mixed government that has developed...

Words: 647

Pages: 3

Review of Art Exhibition

Stuart Davis is one among America's first modern artist and considered by many the father of the popular culture . He began his work with the Ashcan school before shortly following the Europeans modernism. Davis had tons of determination to convey something from the American form of government and blend...

Words: 1175

Pages: 5

Recent developments - The violence in Las Vegas

In the U.S., civilian gun ownership has greatly increased. It is discerned that the outcome of quick access and use of weapons is closely linked to the incident on October 1, 2017, in which the United States experienced one of the most bizarre killings in history. A man named Stephen...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

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