Essays on Science

It is smart to start your science essay by providing a good definition of the subject. Science is a special type of human cognitive activity aimed at obtaining, substantiating, and systematizing objective knowledge about the world, a person, society, and cognition itself, based on which a person transforms reality. Science essays teach us that society needs science to explain complex, sometimes mysterious phenomena. Writing essays on science is a good way to acknowledge scientists – the most observant and inquisitive people, those who make discoveries, create new knowledge, and make it available to all mankind. Need help with your science essay? We listed some interesting science essay samples you should check out – you can find samples of essays we picked out below.

A Critique of the Classical School of Criminology

During the 18th century, many philosophers paced arguments more rationally by employing humanistic approaches to criminal punishments. The main aim of employing humanistic approaches was to do away with public execution and cruelty which was used to scare and deter criminal acts. The philosophical arguments led to the birth of...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

The Development of Helvetica

Helvetica: A Typeface of Significance Helvetica is a typeface of the sans-serif group developed in 1957 by Swiss designer, Max Miedinger. Over the decades, the typeface has come to be known as one of the greatest typefaces of the 20th century. Helvetica, the film was released in 2007 to commemorate the...

Words: 1260

Pages: 5

The Role of Curly Hair in Human Evolution

Genetic Variation Genetic Variation is the differences in and among the human population, a situation where no two humans are genetically identical. The traits in human beings show significant variation between the population and sexes. A heritable trait may be acquired through genes that pass from parent to offspring, others through...

Words: 647

Pages: 3

Site Gridding and Documentation in Archaeology

The most fundamental part in archaeology is site gridding and documentation Gridding helps to gather information concerning the past activities and the way of life of the population, that once inhabited that site. It is essential for an anthropologist to aspire towards exploring various sites gridding and documenting any material present...

Words: 1471

Pages: 6

Fire-breathing Dragons in Mythology

A Fire-Breathing Dragon: Myth or Reality? A fire-breathing dragon is a giant, serpent-like beast that arises in the folklore of several civilizations in the world. The famous western sculpture of a dragon is four-legged, winged, and talented to breathe fire. In fact, it is the creation of the giant Middle Ages...

Words: 382

Pages: 2

Small Island Developing States and Climate Change

Small Island developing states do not have agency with respect to climate change The United Nations Department of Economics categories 51 states and territories as Small island Developing States (SIDS) (Barnett, 2001). These states and territories are situated across that Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and in the Caribbean Sea. The...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

The Evolution of Teeth

A 19th-century researcher, George Cuvier stated that “Show me your teeth and I will show you who you are”. The dental formation holds quite a legacy from the early ages until the recent times. The teeth usually adapt to the type of diet it is used to regarding strength and...

Words: 1534

Pages: 6

Pacific Islanders and Climate Change

The planet is undergoing Anthropocene period which is a geologic time period greatly influenced by a human being centered on the devastating global facts that biospheric, hydrologic, geologic, atmospheric and other earth system processes have been interfered with due to human activities. Human behaviors can be largely blamed for the...

Words: 1765

Pages: 7

The Bergmann's and Allen's Rules

1. Your Hypothesis: The short ice cube (shape 1) will melt faster than the long cylinder (shape 2) 2. Was there a difference in the rates at which each shape melted? On average, MOLD#1 melted at the rate of 1ml every 5 while MOLD#2 melted at the rate of 1ml every...

Words: 434

Pages: 2

Mate Selection Research Paper

Mate selection is the process of choosing a suitable and ideal partner either for companionship or to start a relationship. The process begins with identifying a potential partner with whom you are attracted to the physical and behavioral characteristics. Lessons learned from the website             The website states that the first step...

Words: 713

Pages: 3

The Evolution of Hominins

The evolution of Hominins has been through a number of stages which are a major influence on skeletal changes. In all the stages, Hominin’s behavior was adapted to various modes of survival. Before the bipedal walking and the upright posture, the hominins practiced terrestrial quadrupedalism, Orangutan-like climbing, and suspension, monkey-like...

Words: 2791

Pages: 11

Application of Anthropology in Warfare

Anthropology in Warfare: Understanding Culture and Social Setup Anthropology has been a critical consideration in warfare and military application. Since war entails interaction with people of foreign origins, it creates the need to understand their culture and social setup. This understanding is what guides the best approach in either seeking for...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

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