Essays on Management

Project of mutual fund

The DSP BlackRock Equity Fund – Regular Plan – Dividend The DSP BlackRock Equity Fund – Regular Plan – Dividend would be the mutual fund for my savings. The symbol used by the mutual fund will be DSPG, which is currently trading at $37.39. Fund Manager The Fund Manager is Mr. Atul Bhole,...

Words: 1168

Pages: 5

Recruitment policy

Recommendation to Tim to Reconsider Recruitment Practices and Standards My recommendation to Tim is to reconsider his recruitment practices and standards as they are the key cause of the two allegations from retired workers. As a true friend of his, I will be honest with Tim by telling him that his...

Words: 355

Pages: 2

Teams that are self-managed

There are many and interesting variations between conventional and team working environments. In the conventional context, the role of preparing and deciding the job to be performed is played by supervisors, while in the team environment, management and employees work together as a team to organize and determine the activities...

Words: 721

Pages: 3

The process and procedures of conducting an exit interview

The Purpose of an Exit Interview The purpose of this study is to evaluate the method and protocols for performing an exit interview. There are some steps and best practices to be followed in order to perform an impartial termination interview; the interviewer first informs the employee's HR and talent management....

Words: 1190

Pages: 5

FOB policy on shipping

FOB Policy: Explanation and Impact FOB is a shortened contractual delivery term for "free on board", which is based on the orders made by the buyers. It brings to notice the "sale on delivery" buying procedure. The company that buys the goods makes the order to the seller company, and in...

Words: 596

Pages: 3

architectural sales management analysis

Building and architectural companies are in constant need of architectural sales managers owing to the increasing cost of building new buildings and the role of the profession in the process. The forecast for the future shows an annual rise of around 1.48 percent per year up to 2018. Ideal career seekers are...

Words: 1345

Pages: 5

Behavior of Consumers

When I need to buy an item that is expensive or that is at risk of major enthusiastic outcome if an error happens, a high degree of involvement exists. The purchasing of high involvement requires comprehensive analysis. Unlike low-involvement transactions in which customers do not all go through every stage...

Words: 1035

Pages: 4

Subsystem Politics, micro and macro politics

In an organisation, politics and decision-making In an organisation, politics is an increasingly important field that contributes to governance and serenity in an institution. Proper decision-making by team members is also important for policy problems within the company. Micropolitics help to understand the internal functioning of politics as well as the...

Words: 674

Pages: 3

mixed scanning, rational-comprehensive and incremental theories

A policy decision in public policy and administration A policy decision here includes any action by such officials or an agency that may implement, attempt to alter or even reject policy options. It includes individuals and organisations in the eve of public policy making, but in the end, policy making is...

Words: 646

Pages: 3

state of Alaska emergency operation

Understanding the Situation My class assignment is to study and critique the 2016 emergency activity in the state of Alaska. Understanding the situation is the planning phase stage that will assist me most with my project. This phase requires the detection of a specific place s dangers and risks. The method...

Words: 683

Pages: 3

Netflix: Balance Sheets

Netflix: A Leading Player in the Internet Television Network Industry Netflix is a main player in the internet television network. Presently, the conglomerate has extra than 190 million streaming users, and it is running in over 190 international locations across the globe. In a day, Netflix contributors can access over a...

Words: 1143

Pages: 5

Business fundamentals: The cash flow cycle

The Revenue Cycle in Business Operations The primary source of every single business operational cash flows is sales. Therefore, it is important to protect, regulate, and monitor incomes using internal controlling software. The revenue cycle, hence, plays a role in facilitating proper management of revenue (Anderson, 2017). The cycle begins when a...

Words: 405

Pages: 2

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