Essays on Management

Customer Service Level of Kayaks Incorporated

From the table, it can be noted that fifteen out of twenty-five orders were successfully shipped on schedule. This would represent about 60% of the customer satisfaction. The degree of customer service provided at Kayaks is established on the order fill rates. Through this Kayaks will ensure that the demands...

Words: 359

Pages: 2

The Role of Business Information Systems in Decision-Making

Importance of Decision-Making Efficiency Decision-making efficiency is a critical determinant of business success (Saaty, 2008). Organizations often encounter challenges in the business environment. These challenges may stem from the external business environment or in some cases from internal systems. It is important for managers to establish the origins of challenges experienced...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

Gucci Group

In response to your advert for the position of store manager that appeared in job site on 23 February 2018 attracted me for two main reasons; one, you need someone with an entrepreneurial spirit. Second, sales and client focused individual. These two aspects coincide with my main areas of interest...

Words: 365

Pages: 2

Internal and External Recruitment Methods

External recruitment methods Organisations often use external recruitment approaches to attract suitable candidates to fill in a vacant job vacancy. External recruitment refers to the process of assessing several candidates from outside the organisation for their skills and qualifications to fill in positions in the company. There are various methods used...

Words: 3591

Pages: 14

The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance

Each organization has its set objectives and goals Each organization has its set objectives and goals that it purposes to accomplish. Realization of such targets is highly dependent on the relationship existing between the management or leaders and employees. According to Asrar-ul-Haq and Kuchinke (2016), the employee s morale and behavior,...

Words: 1788

Pages: 7

The Importance of Paying Attention

For communication to be considered complete There must be the sender and the receiver and in that case, when the receiver sends a feedback message to the sender, then it is termed as a complete communication. Early scholars described a simple communication in a form comprising of a messenger, channel of...

Words: 867

Pages: 4

Application for the Position of Senior Sales Officer

Following the recent advert made online by this company, I hereby apply for the position Senior Sales Officer in this great company. I have a Master's degree in Marketing and a Ph.D. in ICT and Business Administration. In addition to this, I have had a number of training in issues...

Words: 1037

Pages: 4

The Importance of Customer Service

Different customers have different perspectives of customer service and sometimes disregard the set-out procedures that allow smooth flow of things in organisations. In Stacy s case, I would apologise for the inconvenience caused by the library. A polite and an honest apology will help her cool down and lower her...

Words: 1879

Pages: 7

Characteristics of a Good Manager

A highly motivated and professional individual with a vast experience in management and leadership. Approachable and responds positively to the needs of colleagues and clients. Excellent communication skills, critical thinking ability, great in planning and confident to work both as part of a team and at an individual basis using...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

Analysis of Arup Limited Case Study

The Best Decisions for the Management Team at Arup Limited The purpose of this paper is to carefully analyze the case study given to come up with the best decisions for the management team at Arup Limited. The essay answers various questions for the case study after carefully examining the situations...

Words: 940

Pages: 4

Workplace Bullying and Harassment

This paper is based on the topic of workplace harassment and bullying. Workplace harassment and bullying entail a critical well-being and compliance challenge to the Australian workplaces, both in the public and private sectors. In the recent past, the legal framework related to workplace bullying has continued to crystallize and...

Words: 2885

Pages: 11

Corporate governance and why it matters

Corporate governance plays an important role in explaining how companies manage their relationships externally. When a company is listed on a market stock exchange, those buying shares require to know about the relationship. This document explains the development of a corporate governance scheme, ethical behaviour, and corporate code of ethics,...

Words: 1417

Pages: 6

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