The Importance of Paying Attention

For communication to be considered complete

There must be the sender and the receiver and in that case, when the receiver sends a feedback message to the sender, then it is termed as a complete communication. Early scholars described a simple communication in a form comprising of a messenger, channel of communication and the audience. This model is still utilized up to date as a way of describing a one-way communication. With time, scholars realised that in many situations, communication become complex based on how messengers transmit a variety of messages which are sometimes opposing. This is due to an ever-changing of pre-existing beliefs, values and attitudes and receivers which can receive and interpret messages in their meanings. Through this, communication sometimes can be affected by k knowledge, society and culture, therefore, the need to develop a climate change awareness.

Conflict management strategy was chosen by the receptionist

The receptionist used utilised the competing approach where the receptionist wins by telling me off and failing to provide the necessary feedback. In competing strategy, one side wind while the other side losses. Additionally, this type of strategy works well in emergency situations to prevent crisis and making decisions that can lead to losses (Dontigney). For instance, the receptionist says that he is not ready to provide an estimate of when the car will be ready. This, therefore, shows that the car is not ready and the receptionist wants to still hold on until the car is ready after the provided time of one hour.

Defensive climate behaviour exhibited by the receptionist

The receptionist used the strategic defensive behaviour that will make him superior. Therefore, the situation becomes in favour of him in the situation. By applying this particular behaviour, it gives the company more time to work on the car, as it seems the time allocated was not enough. By doing this, the company may not lose the money due to the possibility of withdrawal of the car from the mechanical repairs. From the conversation, the receptionist says that is what happens when there is no proper planning. In this case, the receptionist is trying to gain control of the situation by making the customer feel that they are the one to be blamed for the untimely repair of the car.

Supportive behaviours

To reduce the levels of threats in this scenario, the receptionist would have applied the equality supportive behaviour towards the customer. By having a good communication with the customer in relation to problem-solving towards good customer service, the receptionist can create a good work environment. Support can help in creating a good relation in the work area and improving service delivery. A good communication is characterized by treating the customer with respect, listening keenly and considering the viewpoints of the other partner while trying to solve a problem. Therefore, establishing a supportive climate can be done by adopting effective communication behaviours and adjusting to the situation of the communication in time.

Re-write the script

Me: "Hello. I have been waiting to pick up my car for over an hour. I was told my car would be repaired and ready to go more than an hour ago. Can you please let me know when my car will be ready?"

Front Desk Receptionist: "Hello to you too sir. I am sorry to tell you this, but we a have been overwhelmed with work, that is why your car has taken long to be done with. Would you mind waiting or coming back later? I promise it will be ready by then."

Me: "I understand that the mechanics are busy and that you have a lot of cars to repair today. I would just like to know an estimate of when my car will be ready. I need to let my work know when I plan to return."

Front Desk Receptionist: "I don't have the exact time on when the car will be ready, but let me inquire from the mechanic in charge, then I will get back to you shortly."

Interpersonal communication involves the conveying of messages and feelings

Between the sender and receiver of a message by use of verbal and non-verbal cues during face-to-face communication. The receptionist could have applied the elements of interpersonal communication, for instance, the message where while responding to the questions, he would have applied nonverbal expression like smiling as a sign of body language to show the customer that he is happy to serve them well. Applying the right context as well by the receptionist could have been a good show since, at the scenario, it is a formal place where bad language use can lead to a bad picture of the company, therefore, leading to loss of customer trust.

Importance of paying attention

Paying attention to customers is a very important strategy while building good company-customer relations towards a long-term commitment while offering goods and services in the company. Therefore, applying the defensive approach of equality s an essential perspective in being a receptionist as it creates a sense of allowing the customer to feel appreciated and being in the same equal measure with the company regarding service delivery terms.

Works Cited

Dontigney, Eric. 5 Conflict Management Strategies. 3 February 2018. 15 April 2018. .

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