Essays on Identity

Geography of vietnam

The easternmost nation on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia is officially known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It is the ninth-most populous Asian nation and the 14th-most populous country in the world, according to estimates from 2016. Its population is estimated to be 92.7 million. Vietnam's neighbors to...

Words: 1419

Pages: 6

Gender inequality in a construction industry

There is ample evidence that men predominate among construction employees. This is the ideal time to introduce change in the workforce with the purpose of resolving the gender imbalance in a labor-intensive industry that has been suffering from a severe labor shortage. Women made up 2.9% of the extraction and...

Words: 3502

Pages: 13

About Racism in Media

Racism is any ideology that assumes essential dominance in racial or ethnic classes, giving certain people the right to control or even exclude those that are seen to be inferior, or basing human traits on racial distinctions (Benoist 11). Racism has been a major source of controversy in recent years....

Words: 1838

Pages: 7

Gender Analysis

A Strong Scare Appeals to People of All AgesI'm inclined to agree with this sentiment. As a fan of horror fiction, I noticed that there was still a glimmer of wonder in terror, which is the basic depiction of urban legends. Gender and class dynamics are one of the most...

Words: 1353

Pages: 5

Gender Imbalance across Centuries

Since the beginning of time, sexuality has been at the heart of literature. Many people have written about this subject in journals, poems, and, more often than not, blogs. My observation is that in our culture, there is increasing tension between different people who have different views on sexuality. Few...

Words: 3000

Pages: 11

Cultural Identity and Immigrants

Culture is an essential part of one's personality. Any terms synonymous with "race" include "immigrant," "ethnicity," and "religion" (Casey and Dustmann 12). An immigrant is a citizen who moves to another country to live permanently. Immigrants come from a wide range of cultures and ethnicities. Ethnicity is the reality or...

Words: 3171

Pages: 12

emerging economies opportunities and risks

Investing in Developing MarketsInvesting in developing markets has both advantages and disadvantages; however, the positives outweigh the disadvantages. One, the demographics of developing markets are much superior to those of developed countries. They make up 86 percent of the world's population (Kempler, 2012, p. 4). These countries have a growing...

Words: 359

Pages: 2

The Global Situation Summary

Anna Tsin's Essay: The Global Situation Anna Tsin's essay "The Global Situation" illustrates a globalization perspective that focuses on the study of national and regional units and their potential to influence international interconnectivity.Examining the Phenomenon of Globalization Tsin explains how the sensation of globalization has driven social scientists and anthropologists to concentrate...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

about currnecy exchange

A currency exchange rate A currency exchange rate is the expense of one country's currency in another country's currency ("Investopedia"). As a result, it has two components: a local currency and the currency of another nation. An exchange rate consists of one country's currency, known as the base currency, and another...

Words: 603

Pages: 3

Brokeback mountain

Brokeback Mountain is a film based on Annie Proulx's short story of the same name. Brokeback Mountain is a romantic drama film from the United States. The short story was published in 1997, and the movie was made in 2005. Ang Lee is a Taiwanese American film director who generally...

Words: 627

Pages: 3

the Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf: A Prehistoric Artwork The Venus of Willendorf is a prehistoric piece of art that stands out today (Figure 1). The sculpture is thought to be the most well-known portable piece of art from the Paleolithic era. The artwork, made of oolithic limestone, is about 11 cm long...

Words: 1209

Pages: 5

Building an Infrastructure Audit

Housing in the modern era is becoming increasingly important to a country's national development as well as its social and cultural growth. House is regarded as the second most important need after food, and it is regarded as one of the most important economic assets in any human society (Smart...

Words: 2270

Pages: 9

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