Brokeback mountain

Brokeback Mountain is a film based on Annie Proulx's short story of the same name. Brokeback Mountain is a romantic drama film from the United States. The short story was published in 1997, and the movie was made in 2005. Ang Lee is a Taiwanese American film director who generally refers to himself as being of Chinese descent. In this task, I study the film and answer several questions as if I were a member of the audience. In the film Brokeback Mountain, we see that they were two late-teenage boys who got a job herding Joe Aguirre's sheep in Wyoming's mountains over the summer. The two boys that is Ennis Del Mar and Jack twist while in the mountains they made love and thought it was a onetime thing but as they left the mountains and even started new lives with their fiancés they longed for each other and even got to look for each other and again reunited. This made their marriages fail and even Ennis divorcing to his wife Alma who they had two daughters together. In the film culture aspect vary from one community to another in this film the gay love is ‘forbidden’ love and it can be seen in in the flashbacks in the childhood life of Ennis where two men who were homosexuals murdered. Gay relationship and marriage is seen forbidden when Aguirre refuses to rehire jack because he saw them in the mountains.

In addition to culture aspect father position as the head of the family and the one mostly who makes decision that concerns the family. When jack died and Ennis decided to go jack's parents where he told them what jack wished to be done of his ashes that is to be scattered on the Brokeback Mountain. Ennis offered himself to take jacks ashes to the mountain but his father refused and instead said that it will be buried in their family graveyard. This can be seen the oppression type of a father and the decision making function a father usually do in a family.

Furthermore, the movie is not Hollywoodized but it is ethnically authentic because as other same sex film would advocate for gay rights Brokeback mountain is concerned with the flow of the story than rather making an audience see the issue of morality. Other same sex films like the “Magdalene sisters” where it shows their cast as victims. In addition to that Brokeback Mountain gives a new in representing homosexual which was seen to be more in pop culture but in Brokeback Mountain the homosexual are shown in mainstream culture.

The film is good because it shows the value of true love and fighting for what the heart wants no matter the circumstance. This can be seen by jack and Ennis relationship that was a taboo in their culture and society but they still loved each other. The other good thing about the movie is to have hope and courage in whatever you believe is right. This is seen by the hope Jack had for the love he had for Ennis even dreaming of starting a life with him in a small ranch.

Brokeback mountain film is not good for someone to watch because it shows the reckless and immoral behavior of Jack going to Mexico and having affairs with prostitutes. It also shows lack of responsibility towards family for both Jack and Ennis. Jack is seen abandoning his family and going to look for Ennis.


McBride, D. A. (2007). Why I hate that I loved Brokeback Mountain. GLQ: A Jo

Rose, J., & Urschel, J. (2007). Understanding the complexity of love in Brokeback Mountain: An analysis of the film and short story. The Journal of Men's Studies, 14(2), 247-251.urnal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 13(1), 95-97


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