Essays on Addiction

Crime Facts Criminal Justice

Men are typically the offenders in the majority of crimes that are seen, heard, and watched. Criminal histories showed that more males than women were involved in crimes in a 2002 UK case study. (Wykes & Welsh, 2008). Crime must be committed by both men and women at any historical...

Words: 2589

Pages: 10

Substance abuse

A person engages in substance abuse, also referred to as drug abuse, when they ingest a drug or substance in quantities that are harmful to both themselves and other people. One manifestation of the disorder linked to substances is substance abuse. In criminal justice, substance abuse offenders are people who...

Words: 1759

Pages: 7

Why the courts are most effective in enforcing family law

The best way to enforce family rules is through the courts. Family law is frequently intricate and difficult. Courts deal with a variety of family law-related issues, such as divorce and separation, property and asset division, child care and custody decisions, family violence, and conflict resolution. (Becker & Becker 2009)....

Words: 357

Pages: 2

Substance abuse treatment

Drug addiction and drug-related offenses can be resolved more successfully through substance abuse therapy than through incarceration of offenders. Data from study organizations and drug enforcement agencies demonstrate that drug abuse treatment is superior to other forms of corrections, like incarceration. The American government invests less in therapy than in incarceration....

Words: 288

Pages: 2

The average spending on the treatment of substance abuse

In the United States, average spending on substance misuse treatment has been rising for several decades. Despite the majority of interventions put in place to reduce substance use, the control of such consumption has not materialized. According to the current study, the bodies funding this spending have spent a lot...

Words: 904

Pages: 4

kids who were brought up by alcoholic parents

I happened to be one of the unfortunate children raised by alcoholic parents. My father attempted suicide twice before finally succeeding the third time. He was the household earner; his mother was a housewife who used to wait for his husband to bring something to the table every day. My...

Words: 695

Pages: 3

Harm reduction

Harm Reduction and its Evolution Harm reduction is defined as a key strategy aimed at individuals or groups that primarily tries to reduce the harms associated with specific activities. In the case of substance misuse, active harm reduction acknowledges that society's continued levels of drug usage are unavoidable. However, the techniques...

Words: 1930

Pages: 8

The Bar Code Medication Administration

Medication Errors in Healthcare Systems and Financial Burden Medication errors have been identified as a major source of preventable errors in many healthcare systems. Unfavorable drug events (ADEs) create uncertainty for patients, resulting in a linear increase in financial burden estimated to be $3.5 billion per year (Reynolds, 2014). The Impact of...

Words: 1364

Pages: 5

Ethical and Legal Issues in Pharmacology

Medication errors and their serious effects Medication errors have been observed for several decades, and the effects have been serious, resulting in death and disability. The errors include delivering the incorrect drug, dosage, and dose. The Emily Jerry case is one such case that received a lot of attention in the...

Words: 771

Pages: 3

Transition to a Registered Nurse

Medicine management is the practice of managing the routine in which medications are selected, purchased, transported, administered, prescribed, and reviewed, while incorporating agreed withdrawal and appropriate safety in order for the medicines to have the greatest impact in advancing treatment and healthcare (DH). According to Fullbrook-Scanlon, a nurse consultant, nurses...

Words: 1351

Pages: 5

Who are medical marijuana patients

Our health is a vital aspect of our life. Today, people die as a result of a variety of medical issues. To address this persistent issue, scientists and medical research institutions have worked extensively to produce medications that aid in the treatment of chronic disorders. Some of the trial medications,...

Words: 1241

Pages: 5

Pharmacogenetics as a branch of pharmacology

Introduction Pharmacogenetics is a branch of pharmacology that studies the effect of genetic variation on drug response in patients by correlating gene expression to therapeutic efficacy or toxicity (Chung, 2017). Pharmacogenetics is concerned with finding reasonable methods of optimizing medication therapy in relation to an individual's genotype in order to ensure maximum...

Words: 886

Pages: 4

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