Proposal Essays

A proposal essay must offer an idea with clear evidence that is good enough to persuade your target audience that a certain concept is a good or bad one. The topics may be related to social sciences or engineering disciplines because the majority of essay samples will remind of a typical research proposal. Your thesis should reflect an opinion and propose something with a brief explanation of why it must be done and what importance it poses for society or an academic field in general. Check our proposal paper samples in terms of correct structure and style. Check these rules and templates with your grading rubric twice and compare them with all the important elements of papers that you explore in our database.

Background on the Digital Divide

Almost all societies throughout the world now employ information and communication technologies. It is now helpful for social contact, banking, shopping, and education. Even in the industrialized world, not everyone has access to this advantage. Some members of society get isolated as a result of the incorporation into the ICT...

Words: 2337

Pages: 9

American Diet

According to a recent survey in America 52% of people say it is easier to file their taxes than to figure out how to eat well. Since the state struggles with obesity, it is evident that healthy eating is the real issue in the country. Obesity affects more than one-third...

Words: 362

Pages: 2

Huntington Beach: Social Characteristics

Huntington Beach is a city in Southern California on the coast. The city has an estimated population of 189,992 inhabitants, according to the 2010 US national census. The population is made up of people from many categories, which are summarized below; according to the data published on the fact seeker...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

SWOT analysis of Facebook

Facebook's Core Competencies Facebook has evolved to become the most popular social networking platform for millions of people worldwide. Although other sites have attempted to replicate its features, none has been able to connect as many people as Facebook. Being the world's largest and most used social website is one of...

Words: 368

Pages: 2

India's Population Growth Control

According to United Nations estimates from 2016, India is the world's second most populous country after China, with an estimated 1,326,801,576 inhabitants. As a result, it is anticipated that the population would surpass China's by 2050, reaching 1.7 billion. The current rate of population increase is 1.2%. The Indian population...

Words: 642

Pages: 3

The identification of a suspected ectopic pregnancy

A probable ectopic pregnancy is identified by a multistage approach that includes clinical manifestations, history, and physical examination. The notion is backed by differential diagnoses, where the conventional triad of vaginal bleeding, discomfort, and amenorrhea cannot establish clinical identification sufficiency due to nonspecific symptoms. These are also the major symptoms...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

At risk or vulnerable for poor health

A group of persons who have poor physical fitness are at risk or vulnerable to bad health. Vulnerable populations include racial and ethnic minorities, the economically disadvantaged, persons living with HIV, the elderly, the displaced, and even people suffering from serious mental diseases. Certain populations are vulnerable due to discriminatory...

Words: 320

Pages: 2

Samuel by Grace Paley

Writings by artists Writings by artists, like poems or short tales, are frequently used to convey their own experiences. In addition, because they communicate certain ideas, the writings are intended to pique readers' interests. These writings' themes focus on important facets of the local society. Samuel, the protagonist Samuel, the protagonist of Grace...

Words: 974

Pages: 4


A well-known lithographer named Honoré Daumier popularized the ideas of social realism in the 19th century through his works of art. He is credited with being the creator of the realist style of caricature, which focused on the actual experiences of people from all socioeconomic classes while sharply scrutinizing and...

Words: 3423

Pages: 13

The film of Strangers in a Train

The black and white presentation in Strangers in a Train The black and white presentation in Strangers in a Train provides a new definition, a feature that resembled the individual suitability of Hitchcock's work. The movie does not depict race in black-and-white throughout; it also does not depict good and evil...

Words: 1810

Pages: 7

About Maria Montessori

The main goal of this assignment will be to discuss how Maria Montessori is a significant individual who influences education. The purpose of the paper is to elaborate on her life and the significant part she has done in the field of education. On August 31st, 1870, Maria Montessori was born...

Words: 1012

Pages: 4

The story of Othello

The major characters of Othello are depicted in an argument between Roderigo and Lago on a Venice street in the opening scene of the play. The lawsuit involved two distinct parties, a wealthy man named Roderigo and a person of lower social standing named Lago. The woman in question, in...

Words: 1794

Pages: 7

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