Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

The Emergence of The Digital Culture Has Shaped Our Everyday Lives

The Emergence of the Digital Culture and Liquid Love The emergence of the digital culture has shaped our everyday lives in significant ways. With the modern technologies, people are able to connect, regardless of their locations, time zones and cultural backgrounds; as a result, forming an intimated relationship is easier than...

Words: 2512

Pages: 10

Social Media Use by Elected Officials

Social media is a public forum where people exchange updates, information and communication (Kavanaugh 480). The primary use of social media is to become visible to your network. For a long time, social media was generally used for unofficial purposes. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram among other social media platforms were...

Words: 1322

Pages: 5

The History of Pornography

Commonly colloquially referred to as “porn,” Pornography can be defined as any material whether visual written or otherwise consisting of sexually explicit material and whose purpose is sexual arousal. Even though it is something that has been there in various forms for centuries, it has never been available as it...

Words: 2891

Pages: 11

Preventing School Shootings

Mass shootings have become something of a regular occurrence with deadly casualties in America today. It’s a saddening reality given that most of these happen in schools where victims are mostly children. Consequently, there have been calls from schools, lobbyists, parents and policymakers to formulate solutions that can prevent school...

Words: 404

Pages: 2

A Comparison of Two Chocolate Company’s Websites

A website’s outlook is key to its productivity and customer gain. An organization should pay close attention to the product they are circulating, their customers, the font to use and color. The product and consumers will highly determine the colors to use on the merchandise and on the website. Language...

Words: 636

Pages: 3

Exploration of Time Management

Time management is key in any given field. Time is a resource which if managed effectively and efficiently, the outcome or the end result is great. Most individuals find it difficult to manage their time effectively and hence they have poor end results. Time management enables one to accomplish a...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

The Effect of Traffic Congestion on the Economic Efficiency of the Market

The Impact of Traffic Congestion The first thing that comes to mind when a person encounters traffic jam is the delay that they shall experience. This is a real phenomenon to the people in Brisbane City and Australian residents as well. During the morning commute, people experience additional stress because the...

Words: 1629

Pages: 6

Minimum Wage and Its Effects on the Economy

A minimum wage is the lowest level of hourly wage rates as established by the law. For example, the minimum wage rate for the United States in 2017 was $7.25, meaning that it is unlawful for any organization or institution to pay workers less than $7.25 per hour (U.S. Department...

Words: 741

Pages: 3

Human Capital and Economic Growth

A range of economic issues have been analyzed by different economists and most of these issues are related to economic growth, yet human capital produces personal economic growth which eventually corresponds to national or social aggregates. Human capital plays a paramount role in enhancing personal, social and national economic growth....

Words: 1134

Pages: 5

Monopoly and Resource Allocation

Economists View on Monopolies and Their Effects Economists have continually propelled the view that monopolies are bad for the economy from the consumer’s standpoint. The general view has been that the existences of monopolies result to misallocation of resources, redistribution of income in favor of the monopolists, and the loss in...

Words: 921

Pages: 4

The Impact of Inflation on The United States of America

Inflation and Its Causes Inflation has been as a result of rapid increase in the quantity of money or general supply of money in the economy. Inflation has occurred in several different countries. By the nineteenth period, the economist has been able to separate various factors which cause increase or fall...

Words: 1403

Pages: 6

Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment

The minimum wage has a direct impact on the cost of labor used by employers.  Raising the minimum wage is similar to increasing the prices of commodities, which leads to declining demand. In this regard, a higher minimum wage would raise the cost of labor and discourage employers from recruiting...

Words: 1295

Pages: 5

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