Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

Social science knowledge

Social science knowledge is an empirical study of social causes of human behavior and how individuals relate towards one another. Social and behavioral sciences seek to explain and describe our acts in a given environment. This branch of science deals with all human-made institutions and the functioning of the human...

Words: 1742

Pages: 7

Hope Jahren's Life as a Botanist

Science revolves around the fervor for ideas and the people who chase those passions. Hope Jahren captures the passion for science in her book – Lab Girl, an engrossing narrative of her endearment of science and the adventures she encounters in her pursuit of hypotheses and hunches. In her case,...

Words: 2166

Pages: 8

Poverty in Australia

A social issue: Poverty in Australia A social issue is defined as a problem which influences a considerable number of people within the society. It is mostly the consequences of various factors that are beyond individual control. Poverty is an example of a social issue that has human rights effect and...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

The Role of Preparation in Job Search

In a move to secure employment, students are required to engage their potential employers. In particular, the student interacts with the employer in normal conditions. The study entailed carrying out a pilot study to answer the question of how students pursuing B.A. degrees in Sociology prepare themselves for and engage...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

Sports as a Source of Opportunity and Discrimination

Sports have served as a Source of Both Opportunity and Discrimination regarding Social Stratification for Members of Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups Introduction Social stratification forms the basis through which different groups of people are placed within a society according to their socioeconomic status. The socioeconomic status focuses on the occupation, income,...

Words: 1148

Pages: 5


John J and Vincent N argued that city high population calls for a unique understanding so that it can be well known not only for the non-inhabitant but also other people who would like to tour the city (Macionis, and Parrillo P 89). This in-depth understanding gives them necessary information...

Words: 1500

Pages: 6

Karl Heinrich Marx's Theory of Conflict

Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883 gg.) is one of the greatest economists, philosophers, political scientists, journalists and public figures of the 19th century. Karl Heinrich Marx is one of the most famous and unique thinkers of the 19th century. Comte proclaimed himself the high priest of the new religion, but in...

Words: 1631

Pages: 6

Analysis of the Two Chili Pepper Speeches

The Two Chili Pepper Speeches The two chili pepper speeches namely the "needs improvement speech" and the "final version speech" seek to give some insight on chili peppers. It is worth noting that even though the two presentations convey the same message, their modes of delivery sharply contrast one another. In...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

The Impact of Class Inequality on Education In Singapore

Education in Singapore has been the centre of focus over the last few decades.[G1] The major reason being that education is marred by inequalities, where children are not given equal opportunities[G2] (Brown, 2017, p.5). The ultimate test of any education system is whether it offers equal learning opportunities...

Words: 1409

Pages: 6

The Concept of Eldertopia

Applying the concept of Eldertopia, what changes would need to take place in your community to make it a more age-friendly, cooperative, and interactive environment? The concept of Eldertopia, as developed by William Thomas, aims at improving the quality of life for all people in a certain community despite their ages...

Words: 810

Pages: 3

The Importance of Equality in Same-sex Marriage

The Distortion of Human Rights The bestowed freedom of human rights has always been distorted every time. Based on who deserves to have the same privileges with others, then compassion is never shown with respect (Vickers, 2010 p.247). Equalizing Same-Sex Couples Given that time is evolving, it is fair that every person makes...

Words: 548

Pages: 2

Observation of a 1st Grade Classroom

When put into practice in classroom setting, the formative assessment process gives information anticipated that would change training and learning while they are so far happening. The method fills in as preparing for the student and a check for understanding in the midst of the learning system. The formative assessment process...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

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