Essays on Student

Much hard work and research go into writing any good student essay. If you want your essay to be special, it’s not hard to do – some student essays are more distinctive and memorable than other essays not because they are packed to the brim with hard facts, but if they let the writer's personality shine through. Whenever you read an essay that takes you on an educational journey, you can't help but appreciate it, even if you don't always agree with certain points of it. Student essay samples we prepared for you are educational as well as authentic in the style of writing – you can check the samples below. If you feel like writing your own essays on student topics is not something you are equipped for at the moment, we will gladly help you out with your task.

Evaluation of Self-testing as a Study Strategy for Exam Preparation

Although restudying is widely thought as the most effective learning strategy, it has been argued that repeated testing rather than restudying is more effective for learning information. Consequently, this paper focuses on establishing the most effective strategy to study for exams by comparing the effectiveness of repeated testing, specifically self-testing...

Words: 1361

Pages: 5

Evidence-Based Anti-Bullying Programs

Abstract                    With concerted efforts being made into preventing and addressing the problem of bullying in schools worldwide, one needs to understand that there is no one-size-that-fits-all answer to the same. Considering the varied and diverse population of elementary, middle, and high schools, there has never really been a simple solution...

Words: 1279

Pages: 5

Observation on Reflective Teaching

This is a personal tool that teachers can use to observe and evaluate the way they behave in their classroom by collecting information regarding what went on in classroom and take the time to analyze it by identifying what worked and what didn’t. Teacher will be able to look at the...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

Homeless Children and Youth

With the recent drastic American economic downturn, more families are becoming homeless each day. The economic crisis has resulted in high poverty levels, unemployment, and hunger among the American population. the number of homeless citizens has increased in respect to the high standards of living and growing shortage of affordable...

Words: 1266

Pages: 5

Benefits of Gifted and Talented Programs

Gifted and talented programs have been criticized since the practice became routine in most schools. Criticism leveled against these programs stems from the fact that these programs tend to separate individuals. As a result, there is a lack of diversity in these gifted programs as more privileged children tend to...

Words: 1160

Pages: 5

Classroom Management

Classroom management Classroom management requires the introduction and application of strategies. Effective management of classroom involves the applications of certain strategies that differ from one classroom to another. Every classroom is different therefore these strategies vary from one educator to another. A classroom should have written rules that stipulates the role...

Words: 726

Pages: 3

Management Strategies to Enhance Student Responsibility and Social Development

Students become creators of knowledge by active learning approaches rather than just being passive recipients of information. For active learning to students, instructors should explain clear objectives, benefits, and expectations. Positive school culture is the bearer of student's achievement and some of the factors that influence this are the safety...

Words: 1434

Pages: 6

Late Submission of an Assignment

Good morning, hope this message finds you well. I am writing regarding the assignment that you assigned to us on 19/4/2018. I am Mark John, a first-year student at the University of Leeds taking Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, registration number SMMQ207/0072/18 and your student in communication skills.             At this...

Words: 272

Pages: 1

Female Students at Vantage College Shop Mostly Clothes While Shopping Online

The results presented herein seek to answer the study query: Do female students in vantage college stream tend to buy mostly clothes while they are shopping online? Yes, the female students at Vantage College tend to buy primarily clothes while shopping online as compared to other items on the same...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

Interactive Learning in Teaching and Learning

My target audience for this speech would be teachers, tutors, school administrations, and educators who provide teaching and learning experience for students at elementary, secondary and tertiary levels. The speech helps teachers and educators to identify the ideal method of teaching to improve their teaching strategies and enable learners to...

Words: 692

Pages: 3

Ullman’s Essential Components of Lesson Planning

I agree with the Ullman's essential components of lesson planning due to some reasons. For instance, as far as the pedagogical approach is concerned, the effectiveness of the teaching and learning processes largely depends on lesson planning. Thus, teachers must develop the most exciting lesson plans to arouse and sustain...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

Behavior Management in a Classroom

Behavior Management in a Classroom Behavior management in a classroom is important in order to create a conducive teaching and learning environment. A classroom is composed of learners from diverse ethnic and cultural groups hence their behaviors might vary depending on how they are brought up and their ethnic and cultural...

Words: 926

Pages: 4

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