Observation on Reflective Teaching

This is a personal tool that teachers can use to observe and evaluate the way they behave in their classroom by collecting information regarding what went on in classroom and take the time to analyze it by identifying what worked and what didn’t.

Teacher will be able to look at the underlying principles and beliefs that define the way that he/she work by summarizing what happened in the classroom. Spending all time discussing the events of the lesson, it’s possible to jump to abrupt conclusions about why things happened as they did. The process of reflective teaching supports the development and maintenance of professional expertise. Observation  on reflective teaching  provide opportunities for teachers to view each other’s teaching in order to expose them to different teaching styles and to provide opportunities for critical reflection on their own teaching.


Richmond.(2018). What Is Reflective Teaching And Why Is It Important?. Retrieved May, 2018, from http://www.richmondshare.com.br/what-is-reflective-teaching-and-why-is-it-important/

                                      Reflective thinking

Reflective thinking is a multifaceted process. It is an analysis of classroom events and circumstances. To be an effective teacher, it is imperative to understand the “whys” “hows,” and “what if’s”.

After class discussion, students should write reflective journals on each reading assignment. In their reflections, they show what new knowledge they learned, and they must discuss how they will apply their understandings in their field placement. However, by the end of  first discussion, many students will have clearly changed their minds and begin to refer to what they have been doing as perhaps merely “reporting” what transpired during the day and by this time, teacher  gain power in the practice of reflective thinking and begin a paradigm shift in the teaching from the traditional “show and tell” approach, by which they were taught.


Shandomo,M.(2004).The Role of Critical Reflection in Teacher Education. Buffalo State College. Retrieved May, 2018, from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ915885.pdf

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