Essays on Research

Zara and H&M Comparative Analysis on Brand Strategy

This section provides the results of the study that was undertaken the previous sections with reference to Zara and H M in United Kingdom. As such, the section is organised in three portions, including brand loyalty, brand strategy, and financial brand equity. The summary section provides findings on the UK...

Words: 3726

Pages: 14

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Medical Records

The electronic medical record (EMR) refers to a paperless storage of medical records. It contains all medical history of a given patient from one practice. There is no use of papers or physical records when it comes to patient’s record keeping, but all medical information is kept on a digital...

Words: 790

Pages: 3

Types of Research Designs

A research design A research design is considered as a guide or framework for analysis, implementation, and planning of research or a study. It is the guide used in answering the hypothesis or the research question. Obtaining information in social science relevant to the research problem calls for the specification of...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

The Importance of Reproducibility in Psychology

Reproducibility is the production of the same research results based on computer programs or raw data that researchers provide. Replicability is the related concept, meaning the method of independently achieving the nonidentical and similar effects, when have sampling differences, research protocols, and also the existence of data analysis. Replicability and...

Words: 1438

Pages: 6


Psychology is a very wide field and it entails studying the mind of an individual or animal and learning their behaviours. The emergence of psychology was a result of many philosophers putting together their research. Some of them include Aristotle and Plato who came up with theories of how having...

Words: 836

Pages: 4

Is American Psychological Research Generalizable to Other Cultures?

IntroductionPsychology is defined as study of the mental characteristics and processes of a person or a group seeking to understand how they affect behavior, cognition, decision making, reasoning, and feelings. In essence psychology is science of the mind (Gross, p13). Studies have shown that most of the world’s research and...

Words: 917

Pages: 4

Benefits of Case Studies

Introduction of severe deprivation by Desmond (2015). The introduction will also state some statistics before introducing the two methodologies which are going to be analysed in the paper. The introduction will outline the organization of the essay. Argument – Case studies are more preferable as compared to comparative studies Paragraph 2. Present the...

Words: 329

Pages: 2

The Importance of Consciousness in Psychology

Consciousness in Psychology Consciousness in psychology refers to an individual’s awareness of one’s thoughts, what is in their memory, what they feel and their environment. What this means therefore is that consciousness can be perceived as the knowledge that an individual has about their surrounding both internal and external. If an...

Words: 631

Pages: 3

Eugene Bleuler's Contribution to the Study of Schizophrenia

Autism in childrenProfessor Eugene Bleuler has immensely contributed to the study and research of schizophrenia. According to him, schizophrenia is a severe disorder which directly affects how an individual think, acts, relates to others or even perceives reality. Schizophrenia is the most severe and chronic of all the mental illnesses...

Words: 2783

Pages: 11

Types of Research Designs

A research design is considered as a guide or framework for analysis, implementation, and planning of research or a study. It is the guide used in answering the hypothesis or the research question. Obtaining information in social science relevant to the research problem calls for the specification of the type...

Words: 913

Pages: 4

Personality Assessment Tests

Personality assessment tests are tests done on individuals to evaluate their strengths and talents.  These tests are very useful especially to employers as it helps them discover the personal strengths of their workers. The tests also help people in finding their life partners, and medical professionals in diagnosing mental health...

Words: 438

Pages: 2

Interrater Reliability in Research

Reliability Reliability involves the standards of quality of measurements, it can be described as the repeatability or the consistency of the measurements obtained. The interrater reliability indices focus on the ratings or judgments across judges or raters. Using the modern test theory and reliability generalization, the stability of ratings obtained by...

Words: 664

Pages: 3

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