Essays on Politics

Examples of challenging political issues

The President of the United States The President of the United States, who is now Donald Trump, is the Commander-in-Chief. President Donald Trump has made many military actions that have either helped or hurt Americans.The rivalry between ISIS and Al-Qaeda The first strategic issue has been the rivalry between ISIS and Al-Qaeda....

Words: 330

Pages: 2

election and parties

The Role of Political Parties in the United StatesThe United States of America, according to Bardes, Barbara A., Mack C. Shelley, and Steffen W. Schmidt (256), has a democracy dominated by a two-party structure. The two main political parties in the United States are the Democratic Party and the Republican...

Words: 1017

Pages: 4

Study Guide

The President, Vice President, Cabinet, government branches, autonomous bodies, and other boards, commissions, and committees comprise the administration. It is in charge of carrying out and enforcing rules. Since the Americans suffered immensely under the British empire, the framers of the constitution were reluctant to grant the executive so much power....

Words: 2192

Pages: 8

Executive Orders

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in how executive orders have been used and whether there has been a violation of presidential executive orders. An executive order is a guideline from the president having the same jurisdiction as a federal statute. The president often issues executive...

Words: 429

Pages: 2

Canadian electoral system has a lot of unique elements.

The Canadian Electoral System The Canadian electoral system is special in many ways. It also uses the first past the post voting method, which means that the person with the smallest vote wins. This article discusses the different components of the system as well as the problems that emerge. It also...

Words: 1106

Pages: 5

case study of iraq

A host of important topics are discussed on the Fragile States Index website, Foreign Policy. The concerns discussed focus on global defense, which has been a problem around borders, territories, countries, and the entire globe. It just takes a small amount of regional volatility to spread to the global level,...

Words: 610

Pages: 3

As President of the United States what would you do?

Withdrawal from NATOWithdrawing from NATO will be one of the most tragic choices taken by the President. Withdrawal ensures that the geopolitical climate of West Europe will change dramatically, as will the rest of the world. In fact, the US is expected to lose the bulk of its strategic allies...

Words: 936

Pages: 4

Major Trends in American Foreign Policy

Following World War II, the United States devised a containment policy to restrain the Soviet Union's expansionist impulses. The policy, according to Shi and George (933), was to apply fiscal, political, and military pressure. The foregoing are among the main patterns. The first trend was the signing of an armistice....

Words: 314

Pages: 2

participation of increasing voter education

The Decline in American Voter Turnout The number of Americans voting in elections has been steadily declining over the last few decades. The explanations for the poor voter turnout have varied from nuanced to very basic.Increasing Public Engagement Increased and effective voter education is one of the key solutions that will assist...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

national security and government

The government is the state organ in charge of national security. This position is specifically assigned to the government's executive branch. The executive branch of the government is led by the president, and from this vantage point, the president is primarily in charge of national security. National protection is essentially...

Words: 519

Pages: 2

Congress Agenda Setting

The national policy process is becoming more complicated, and developing a congressional platform has become more difficult than ever. The 115th Congress would be unlike any other. The Republicans maintained their majority in both the House and the Senate. The recently elected members of Congress are undeniably zealous about promoting...

Words: 1412

Pages: 6

Neo-liberalism in the Global South

Neoliberalism is a series of strategies that have been used to stimulate markets in different regions and international trade. The word "global south" has come to refer to the third world or developed countries in general. This covers countries from Latin America, Asia, and Africa. In this Article, we will...

Words: 3750

Pages: 14

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