Essays on Political Science

Critical analysis on "Commanding Heights" by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw

Commanding Heights: A War of Economic Concepts Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw's Commanding Heights is largely a war of economic concepts. In the globalization era, this struggle of ideas was between the free market and various government controls. The process of shifting from one ideology to the next was fraught with...

Words: 1318

Pages: 5

fiscal policy

According to Alesina and Ardagna (2013), fiscal policy refers to the methods used by the government to adjust its revenue collection methods, primarily taxation, and its expenditure methods in order to influence the nation's economic activities, such as aggregate demand, saving and investment, and income distribution. Fiscal policy works by...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

Ethics of Internet Censorship in China

In order to restrict access to and distribution of content on the internet, the Chinese government is not morally justified in demanding that private enterprises adhere to certain requirements. Chinese technology officials have met innumerable times in recent months with representatives of Facebook and other private companies to discuss the...

Words: 621

Pages: 3

Margaret Thatcher: The style of a prime minister

In a Washington Monthly piece, Raymond Smith explains the facts regarding Belgium and its ability to live for twenty months without a government (Raymond, 2013). This was triggered by the Prime Minister's resignation, which made it difficult for the opposing parties to compromise in order for someone to fill the...

Words: 1215

Pages: 5

The regulation of railroads

Railroad Regulation in the Late Nineteenth Century Railroad regulation began in the late nineteenth century as a result of the recognition that railways controlled the transportation business (Gómez-Ibáñez, J. A., & de Rus, 2006). Around this time, the automotive and aviation industries were in their infancy. As a result, railroads were...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism

Sheldon S. Wolin wrote Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism. In this assessment, I focus on the 2008 version, which covers the majority of the political, social, and economic issues that occurred prior to the publishing date. The book begins with a critical presentation and critique...

Words: 1332

Pages: 5

The direction of argument that both Marx and Engel

The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness is sound and supported by a wide range of concepts. They contend that the European countries saw that communism was a unifying force that brought...

Words: 289

Pages: 2

The meeting I attended

The meeting I attended was a meeting of the local municipal council. The meeting was divided into three halves. The first session focused on identifying and assessing the town s problems, as well as determining a solution to the identified issues. The final session focused on forming a monitoring and...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7

Indonesia's Overpopulation and Its Effects on Pollution

This paper investigated the environmental effects of overpopulation in Indonesia. With a population of over 263 million people, Indonesia is ranked fourth in the globe. Despite the large population that serves as a potential market for locally created goods, there is a high level of vulnerability to a variety of...

Words: 3259

Pages: 12

American Border Patrol

Anti-Immigrant Extremists Anti-immigrant extremists are those who oppose the movement of people into the country. The extremists work on their leadership structure and strive to decrease the number of immigrants entering the United States for various reasons. One of the organizations opposed to Mexicans entering the United States is the American...

Words: 611

Pages: 3


Politics and its Meanings Politics has numerous meanings, but the core premise is that it is the process of building a government, seeking authority in a sovereign region, or a worldwide approach to forming an international system with member states facing a common challenge. The procedures goal is to find...

Words: 1023

Pages: 4

An International Research Paper

The People's Republic of China The people's Republic of China has a number of shoe manufacturing enterprises whose products are sold all over the world. China is seen as a unitary and sovereign state in eastern Asia (Chen & Feng, 2000). Form of Government The country features an unusual form of government, with...

Words: 1272

Pages: 5

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