Essays on Philosophy

As you write your philosophy essay, remember that philosophy is one of the most ancient areas of knowledge – it emerged in the 7th-6th centuries BC in India, China, and Ancient Greece. According to some philosophy essays, the word “Philosophy” can be translated from ancient Greek as a "love of wisdom”. Many essays on philosophy introduce a more formal definition of philosophy – a form of spiritual activity, aimed at posing, analyzing, and resolving fundamental issues, related to the development of a holistic view of the world and the place of humans in it. Humanity's most prominent philosophers are Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, Plato, Kant, Locke, Nietzsche, Socrates, and many others. Do you want some helpful tips for your essay? Our philosophy essay samples have plenty! Check samples of essays below for more info.

The Future of Education

One of the classical explanations of traditional learning is the Constructivist theory. Constructivism asserts that knowledge is constructed by events that an individual experiences. Knowledge and meaning in this case is created through the concepts of accommodation and assimilation where, new experiences are reframed into one’s mental capacity and incorporation...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

Comparison of Alternative Psychological Accounts of Nationalism and National Identity

IntroductionThe term nationalism is used to describe attitudes or actions that particular members of a nation have had concerning their national identity. National identity denotes members of shared ethnicity, origin or cultural ties, something that has been referred to as individual membership in a nation. Nationalism is constructed politically and...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

Comparative Study of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory suggests that occasions in childhood have a significant effect on adulthood hence it influences the personality. The approach concentrates on the interpretation of dreams to expose the unconscious desires (Ullman " Zimmerman, 2017). The mind is divided into the superego, the ego, and the id, which...

Words: 1562

Pages: 6

Free Will and Determinism

Free will can be defined as a judgment in that it acts as a responsibility, guilt, sin and many other experiences. A judgment can only be said to be free will if freely determined by the individual without any interference from external concepts such as advice, prohibition or persuasion. The...

Words: 1708

Pages: 7

The ethical concerns with the Tuskegee experiment

In the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment, there were numerous ethical concerns that were involved. For example, nonmaleficence and Beneficence, which entails the aspect of minimizing and avoiding patients harm were not honored, especially due to the fact that the researchers who were responsible for the continuation of this study instituted harm...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

Nationalism and National Identity

Introduction            The term nationalism is used to describe attitudes or actions that particular members of a nation have having concerning their national identity. On the other hand, national identity denotes members of common ethnicity, origin or cultural ties, something that has been referred to as individual membership in a nation....

Words: 588

Pages: 3

Poverty and International Distributive Justice

Global poverty and international distributive justice Global poverty and international distributive justice is an initiative which needs support across the world in an attempt to build an equitable society. It is one of the prominent topics in the field of political philosophy currently. International distributive justice concerns sharing our benefits and...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

The Philosophy of Spinoza

Spinoza argues that God exists in own nature and acts alone from the requirements of his personal necessity and everything happening has a predetermination from God. I concur with his philosophy concerning the problems of desire and human servitude or freedom. Humans have anchored their actions with a view to...

Words: 911

Pages: 4

The Essence of Helping Others

On most occasions, people tend to ask themselves, “is it my duty to be good to others? and what do I get from being good? or what is the essence of helping others when I should be gathering for my needs.” I remember watching a very touching story on YouTube. This...

Words: 760

Pages: 3

The Importance of the Virtue of Justice as Part of Our Moral Sentiments

Justice as described by Adam Smith Justice as described by Adam Smith in his two famous publications can be said to be of great influence to our actions as human beings. In his book "A theory of moral sentiments" Adam Smith argues that self-interest was not the motive driving modern civilization...

Words: 1275

Pages: 5

Conception of Good Life

Everybody wants to live a good life. Alongside getting to that destination, a good life has different interpretations and conceptions. A life that may seem so ordinary and boring could be someone else’s fantasy and dream. According to me, living a good life entails balanced lifestyle with accomplished dreams and...

Words: 874

Pages: 4

Ethical Framework in My Life

Aristotle's Definition of Ethics Aristotle once described moral philosophy or ethics as the concern with the question of how humans should act. It seems that my ethical framework would be more electric. The definition of morals is the highest good in the sense of life that people are worth living and...

Words: 847

Pages: 4

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