Essays on Myself

What is Machismo?

The term machismo describes a style of masculinity, one that is often associated with strong masculine pride and exaggerated physical attributes. This trend began in the early 1930s and is associated with a culture of self-reliance and pride. Despite its negative connotations, many people today are embracing machismo as a...

Words: 623

Pages: 3

Factors that motivate people to undergo surgery

Investigating the credibility of a lookup follows several aspects like the readers' appeal, use of credible sources and use of convincing facts and facts. Furnham and Levitas article on ""Factors that motivate people to undergo surgery"" is a applicable article for analysis. The author researches on the elements making people...

Words: 909

Pages: 4

Talking to the Dead

About every community believes in the desire to connect with the deceased. Many individuals have claimed to be able to communicate with our dearly departed members since time immemorial. Classic fiction, such as Shakespeare s plays, the Bible, and folklore, describes this contact with ghosts and spirits (Holloway 182-187). Deception and...

Words: 1512

Pages: 6

Amelia Earhart - The First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic

Amelia Earhart's Flight Across the Atlantic When she took off to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1927, Amelia Earhart was a social worker living in Boston. A transatlantic flight was sponsored by the publishing firm G. P. Putnam and Sons, and Amelia was the first woman to do so. The...

Words: 529

Pages: 2

Differences Between John Locke's and Thomas Hobbes' Political Philosophies

Hobbes and Locke were philosophers who were adamant in their political views and presented evidence to back them up. Both recognize humans as social creatures who make a social contract with the state. However, there are significant variations in their perceptions of the state and its people. Although Locke argued...

Words: 1545

Pages: 6

Connecting a Song of Solomon Theme to a Current Event in America

In today's American society Men are encouraged to either respect or devalue women based on their values and laws. This is despite the fact that anti-discrimination statutes exist to prohibit such action. Women face sexism in a variety of settings, including the workplace and their homes. Women may be refused a...

Words: 1518

Pages: 6

The Hip-hop Subculture

A subculture is a racial, geographical, economic, or social community that exhibits characteristics and behavioral behaviors that differentiate it from those within society. A subculture is a community that has attitudes and practices that vary from the main classes of a given culture; they have standards and ideals that differ...

Words: 1205

Pages: 5

about the medal of honor

A career offers an opportunity to discover one's personal strengths and shortcomings while still taking into account the environment in which one practice. This topic is related to a variety of causes that serve as a bridge to a promising career and serve as a source of inspiration for professionals....

Words: 620

Pages: 3

Qualities that demonstrate the value of family in Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine As Coontz (2016) points out, family values is a foundation that binds us together and keeps us safe in both good and bad times. In the film Little Miss Sunshine, I have extracted qualities that demonstrate the value of family and the need for unbreakable bonds. The...

Words: 1498

Pages: 6

Skill Set, Strengths and Weaknesses

Learning Activity #1 My best suit is my leadership experience. My willingness to get along with people from various cultures and ethnicities has fueled my drive to succeed in extracurricular events at school and where I have volunteered. I discovered that this ability is critical for high-performing teams, especially those in...

Words: 474

Pages: 2

Social Justice, Utilitarianism and Intersectionality

Human life also has numerous sociological and ecological problems. The response depends on the personal viewpoint when exposed to various factors. Some social influences can, however, influence an individual s psychological disposition. The philosophy of man has been clarified. This is a talk of intersectionality, utilitarianism and perception of intersectionality...

Words: 855

Pages: 4


I've been asked many times if I can continue with the revolution now that I know what I know. My answer has always been and will always be affirmative. I regret that people had to die as a result of the revolt. However, I believe that if we had not started...

Words: 589

Pages: 3

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