Essays on Lifestyle


I chose the food topic. This is because food is an essential component of human life, and because there has never been a suitable human body fuel that could supplement it, there has been an abundance of food lore spread throughout human society. Food has a different significance for each individual....

Words: 1519

Pages: 6

Yves Saint Laurent designed in 1966

People's clothes have a huge effect on their image and communicate a lot of detail to members of society. Designers also launch one-of-a-kind clothing models in order to inspire their customers and increase sales. Le Smoking Suit, an outfit modeled by Yves Saint Laurent for women in 1966, is a...

Words: 670

Pages: 3

Research Paper

Fashion refers to shifts in style and has been portrayed in a variety of ways, including bold, classy, fickle, and vain. Fashion is the most influential art form in the twenty-first century since it encompasses multiple fields such as architecture and fashion to reflect various identities through visions and aesthetics....

Words: 3836

Pages: 14

art and fashion

Fashion as a Way of Creative Expression Fashion is a type of creative expression (McRobbie 14). People may use fashion to convey their moods, times, activities, professions, or some other aspect. Fashion may also reveal a person's cultural background. The way a person dresses and the kind of fashion to which...

Words: 775

Pages: 3

the vicotrian fashion

Victorian fashion was named after Queen Victoria, who succeeded to the English throne in 1837 after her brothers died, leaving her to inherit the throne from her father, King George III. Queen Victoria will reign until 1901, making her the longest-serving queen in history. She is better known, though, for...

Words: 2229

Pages: 9


Introduction It is undeniable that each Goe Pie development has a meaning and tells a specific historical and/or personal tale.First Impression I still recall how I felt when I first walked into the exhibition hall a week ago. She had evoked an exotic imperial emotion in me with her dramatic themed gowns...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

the comparison

Goe Pie's Collection and Marie Antoinette's Dress: A Comparison Goe Pie's collection evoked an exotic imperial feeling in me, and I felt like I was invited to live a mythological dream while considering her ancient traditional Chinese garments, thanks to her legendary and glorious production of dramatic themed gowns accompanied by...

Words: 484

Pages: 2

Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

Both modern humans inhabiting various parts of the globe are members of the genus Homo and the species Sapiens, hence the term Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens arose in Africa after the rapid climatic shifts that happened over 200, 000 years ago. They, like early humans, lived in unstable weather environments...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7


The documentary "The Great Dance: A Hunter's Tale" revolves around the survival techniques used by Bushmen in the central Kalahari. It tells the tale of the Bushmen of the San ethnicity as hunters who face the most intense endurance limits that are imaginable. The plot culminates in "the Chasing Hunt,"...

Words: 1370

Pages: 5

Politics and Religion in Primary Civilizations

Humans are goal-oriented creatures The main goals of every human civilization are sustainability and improved quality of life. People partake in diverse facets of life in search of these aims, such as conflicts, migration, and marriage. In addition to these engagements, humanity must deal with natural disasters such as drought, flooding,...

Words: 1450

Pages: 6

Classical Liberalism vs. Reform Liberalism-State vs. Private Provided Healthcare

In general, liberalism refers to the recognition of philosophies that differ from one's own. From a theoretical standpoint, two forms of liberalism are widely recognized: classical liberalism and reform liberalism. The former specifically relates to the idea of a focus on human rights in terms of expression, faith, press assembly, and...

Words: 1116

Pages: 5

international relations and peace

Peace: A Desired State for Humanity Peace is the most wanted but seldom found object. It refers to a state of calm in which there is no disorder, aggression, or terror. At the present, humanity's evolutionary challenge is to achieve harmony. Many nations around the globe are attempting to find a...

Words: 945

Pages: 4

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