Essays on Language

My Interest in a Major in English

My Passion for WritingEnglish has usually been an interesting language for me. I grew up learning more than simply what was required for the average teenager. I remember perusing thru the dictionary and writing out words alongside their meanings in a separate notebook with the aim of the use of...

Words: 577

Pages: 3

Philippines and USA Comparison

Introduction I have to renowned that there is a massive difference between the United States and my native country, Philippines in almost everything. From culture, language, the administrative structure, economic, ambition, social and financial development and the attitudes of Americans towards immigrants. On the positive side, I have top memories of...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

What is Spanglish?

Spanglish is a code-switching language between English and Spanish. But it is not a dialect, creole, or dialect-slash-language. Rather, it is an entirely different hybrid language. Here are some of the features of Spanglish. The most notable are:Spanglish is a hybrid language Spanglish is a hybrid language that is a blend...

Words: 406

Pages: 2

Sex in The Canterbury Tales

Sex is a major theme in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer approaches the subject by vividly explaining who has sex, who does not, how people continue to get it, and the consequences. Given the age gap between Alison and John, the story implies that a young person is an...

Words: 978

Pages: 4

language extinction and culture loss

1. John McWhorter, a well know linguist, disagrees with most anthropologists regarding the link between language and culture loss. He argues that the loss of a language does NOT equate with the loss of a culture. He presents his views in: What arguments does he put forward in support of his...

Words: 905

Pages: 4

Job Description

I am fascinated to join your organization as a (position). When I learned about the opening from the nearby paper, I immediately prepared my application materials. I admire the job that you are doing in the subject of marketing. I believe that being one of your employees would enhance my understanding...

Words: 283

Pages: 2

The Description Of Greek Sculptures

Provided below in blue is the Greek sculpture.Archaic period: - (Polykleitos)Classical period: - (The dying man)Hellenistic period: - (Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun) from RomeDuring the archaic era, the description of the human anatomy in sculptures began. The major feature of this structures were their upright positions and tightly curled hair....

Words: 4740

Pages: 18

Japanese Culture and Shintoism

a state of mind The main sects of the Japanese people are Buddhism and Shintoism. Both sects have an important place in Japanese society. As a result, this paper will discuss how Shintoism has affected Japanese society. Many people will believe that Shinto is a Japanese faith because it has...

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

A True Hero

There are wonderful people in our cultures who contribute significantly to their communities. Societies have means of recognizing those individuals and encouraging others to imitate them. These people are heroes. Heroes are people in a society who have done something commendable in society, leading society to believe that these people...

Words: 1111

Pages: 5

The Great wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, also known as the Great Wave, is a woodblock art item printed between 1829 and 1833 by the Japanese artist Hokusai. The Great Wave is one of the most well-known works of Japanese sculpture in the world. The item represents the Great Wave, which was...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Research of Linguistics and Primatology

I would wish to explore call combinations employed by gorillas’ (Gorilla beringei beringi) for an incoming threat or/and danger. The researcher’s filed work would come with a focused observation of gorillas to know their behaviour. Methods and Research Approach The researcher would use participant observation as a knowledge collection method for the...

Words: 275

Pages: 1

Mythology of Greece

Greek mythology is the approaches and the body of all stories, legends and myths that were brought into existence fromo ancient Greece. The teachings of the myth concern their gods, heroes, nature of the earth, their origins and the significance of their ritual practices as well as their cult. The...

Words: 890

Pages: 4

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