Essays on Digital Communication

Communication in the management

Managerial communication is the activity that supports managers in their interactions with one another and with workers inside their businesses. Transferring information from one person to another requires effective communication. Through managerial communication, efficient information exchange between managers and employees is ensured, with the aim of ensuring that everyone is...

Words: 2922

Pages: 11

Effective Communication in Office

Communication at the area of work is very essential. As such it is, required to communicate the message in the easiest yet most fantastic manner. In the current world, office communication is executed through emails. The essay outlines key things to ensure one communicates successfully while writing an email to...

Words: 644

Pages: 3


Social media and its impact on elections Social networking is a type of electronic communication portal that enables users to communicate with one another and exchange ideas and thoughts by building online platforms. It is a channel for group feedback. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Linkedin are the most prominent social...

Words: 943

Pages: 4

communication and teamwork breakdown

There are many benefits of participating in teamwork exercises in any job environment. The most notable among these benefits is that it increases productivity, improves workforce performance, and boosts morale (Beauchamp Baran, 2017). The most important factor in the process of building a successful team is effective communication. To...

Words: 1074

Pages: 4

Australian Film represents australian national identity

The media consists of a set of touch media used to transmit messages from one person to another. Media has made it possible for people to air their opinions, frustrations, and concerns through different means of communication, such as television, radio, or even film. The following article analyzes how Australian...

Words: 1326

Pages: 5

News production that is digital

Since the Last Decade: Decline in Print Media There has been a steady decline in print media output as a way of passing on facts. The downturn in print media is at an unprecedented pace, in a matter of months. There is a massive drop in the readership of print newspapers...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

Internet Access restriction for juveniles

The Internet Revolution is one of the biggest technological advances man has experienced. It has made it possible for people to improve connectivity, partake in e-commerce and socialize online. In addition, the Internet has turned the planet into a tiny global village when the interaction is very easy and a...

Words: 1240

Pages: 5

about podcasts

Podcasts as a Means of Contact Podcasts have increasingly appeared, which is why they are now a traditional means of contact. Podcasting primarily includes audio files that are transmitted through RSS. Podcasts have turned out to be a tool for promoting connectivity and marketing in industries. Podcasting can also be seen...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

Use of Social Media for Communication amongst Youths

Introduction Since time immemorial, contact between friends and families, who are far from each other. Due to their social existence, people are obliged to rely on communication to establish and maintain interpersonal ties. Some causes, however, hinder their ability to sustain these relationships. The transmission of information between or between entities...

Words: 1711

Pages: 7

The internet

The Internet and Social Media The internet is now a major networking medium. People are also using it for different purposes, such as business purchases, news searching, sending emails, playing sports, and, among others, staying in contact with friends and family. The internet has since been a medium that affects every...

Words: 782

Pages: 3

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