Essays on Corporations

Viewer Demands Driving Change in Television Programing Priorities

Previously, people would assemble in front of their televisions in living rooms to watch their favorite programs on a broadcaster-determined schedule in bite-sized chunks every week. The shows' stories and protagonists were what kept viewers interested during watching. Terrence Rafferty contends that viewing patterns are changing in line with the...

Words: 1374

Pages: 5

Reflection Essay on research project of application of digital technology in learning environment

In order to address the learning challenges that are present in contemporary society It was decided to conduct research on the subject of digital technology and its effects on learning. I now know that there are many issues and problems with digital technology, particularly those that relate to performance development. The...

Words: 2130

Pages: 8

John Arthur Johnson

Black American fighter John Arthur Johnson Black American fighter John Arthur Johnson, also known as Jack Johnson, was born in Texas' Galveston. March 31, 1878, was the birthdate and the year of birth. He had to leave school early because of his difficult upbringing in order to look for work that...

Words: 1119

Pages: 5

Danny Masterson fired from a Netflix program,” The Ranch,”

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Danny Masterson Recently, Danny Masterson was let go from the Netflix series "The Ranch" due to early 2000s sexual misconduct accusations. (Niraj). The early 2018 screenplays that featured Masterson were rejected. Masterson is still being accused by four separate women. Since the authorities had not yet submitted...

Words: 562

Pages: 3

Female Rappers Reclaiming their Sexuality - A New Brand of Feminism

The main pre-writing technique for this essay is the use of the Six Journalistic queries. The artists who perform in the rap genre serve as the main players in this essay. The feminine artists will be the primary subject of this essay. Rap music consumers are secondary actors because they are integral...

Words: 2010

Pages: 8

Self-Censorship of Facebook

Facebook as a Platform for Self-Censorship Facebook is an example of self-censorship social platform where individuals interact in a private and hidden manner from the others as the paper describes. The website has been essential to campaigns for internet fundraising and advertising. The paper examines how the development of the internet...

Words: 555

Pages: 3

Transformational Leadership Theory and Other Relevant Sources: Elon Musk

Elon Musk is well-known for maintaining a higher position inside Tesla Motors. As a leader in such a corporation, he is expected to demonstrate a variety of inner qualities that will influence others in order to reach established goals. Elon Musk will be evaluated based on his approaches and ethical...

Words: 2990

Pages: 11

SWOT analysis of Facebook

Facebook's Core Competencies Facebook has evolved to become the most popular social networking platform for millions of people worldwide. Although other sites have attempted to replicate its features, none has been able to connect as many people as Facebook. Being the world's largest and most used social website is one of...

Words: 368

Pages: 2

Apple Inc. Project Management Capability

Apple Inc. is a multinational technology business located in California that specializes in the design, development, and selling of various consumer gadgets, internet services, and computer software (Budnikas, 2016). Apple use project management as part of its strategy for delivering goods on time, within budget, and within resource limits (Nwogugu,...

Words: 1224

Pages: 5

Strategic Management for Google

Google's Objective Google began with the objective of creating the ultimate search engine to help people manage the Internet's untamed and continually growing repository of data. And most agreed that when the term "Google" became a verb, the mission had been successfully completed. It had been around six years after Google's...

Words: 867

Pages: 4

Are Social Networking Sites Good For Our Society?

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites According to 2015, 76% of adults in the United States use social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Users on such sites typically create accounts, conduct research, connect with friends, and share links, music, photographs, and other media. Online...

Words: 1898

Pages: 7

The Scent of Apples

Bienvenido Santos' short story 'The Smell of Apples' concentrates around the lives of Filipinos in the past and today. The story revolves around two individuals, Santos and Celestino Fabia, a Filipino farmer from Indiana. One was a typical Filipino, while the other was an Asian American. The book is a...

Words: 1411

Pages: 6

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