Essays on Art

Art should make you feel enlightened - the same job falls to an Art essay. When enthusing about art, authors of some essays fail to comprehend its significance to mankind – for centuries it was an outlet of emotions, both painful and happy, a way to communicate with the world, as well as a statement of the creative self. For us, art is a silent teacher and a looking glass to peek into the past. This makes art essays go beyond plain words and into the realm of meaningful ideas. Art essay samples showcased below can help you get a grasp on some prominent ways to complete your task with an outstanding result. If you ever require any help with some of your especially daunting essays on Art, we are here for you.

The Epic Story of Love, Loyalty, and Redemption

The play "Cyrano de Bergerac" was written in 1897 by Edmond Rostand, a French writer. The play is based on the real-life story of the narrator, Cyrano de Bergerac. It is one of the most famous pieces of French literature. This play is a wonderful story of love, loyalty, and...

Words: 748

Pages: 3

A Closer Look at Jean Michel Basquiat

The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat, has made his mark in the world of contemporary art. A member of the Neo-expressionist movement, Basquiat rose to fame in the 1980s. His work is widely regarded as revolutionary, cutting-edge, and uncompromising. Here are just a few of the many...

Words: 992

Pages: 4

Diwali - Definition and Facts

Diwali is a major festival celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. This festival celebrates the earth's renewal. Generally, it lasts for five days, during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika. For more information about Diwali, read on. This article provides a basic overview of the festival. Learn about the history...

Words: 791

Pages: 3

The painting skills of a virtuoso

Introduction As one of the best of Strapran's prolific art work in Crocker art museum displaying a spectrum of ideas, feel of authenticity and emotional realism best represented by composition of dazzling colors. The empty cherry crate painting shows virtuoso painting skills. Having received several accolades, it is one of the...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

Frida Kahlo Paintings Analysis

One of the most famous paintings by Frida Kahlo is titled Self-portrait The painting depicts the Mexican artist in a hospital bed covered with blood. It shows her swollen belly, which remains covered with six thin red filaments. Frida was a victim of a natural abortion in 1932. The painting is...

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

Black Images in the American Theatre

These articles painting the struggle of the black community in in crating positive snap shots about them black community through movies and literature. It indicates the difference between black producers and white movie producers. It illustrates the hardships black producers had to undergo earlier than their movies got aired. Additionally,...

Words: 1108

Pages: 5

Poetry is Undergoing Changes

Poetry has evolved from the Romantic era to the present. Poems, like authors, have adapted to the revolution. Poems by Blake, Coleridge, and Wordsworth vary somewhat, if not entirely, from those of Lord Byron and Shelley. To that end, this paper would try to describe a poem by Lord Byron...

Words: 335

Pages: 2

The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the Pope s official residence in Vatican City. The Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel, once known as the Cappella Magna, is named after Pope Sixtus IV, who supervised its reconstruction between 1477 and 1480. (Salvini 144). Since then, the Chapel has been...

Words: 819

Pages: 3

Comparing and Contrasting Art

Comparing Two Works of Art: Temple of Hera I and Temple of Poseidon Without keen observation, it is difficult to compare several works of art. According to Minkov (1), people explain what they see and talk about the influences of these works. People with low perception abilities are unable to make...

Words: 655

Pages: 3

The Description Of Greek Sculptures

Provided below in blue is the Greek sculpture.Archaic period: - (Polykleitos)Classical period: - (The dying man)Hellenistic period: - (Sleeping satyr (Barberini Faun) from RomeDuring the archaic era, the description of the human anatomy in sculptures began. The major feature of this structures were their upright positions and tightly curled hair....

Words: 4740

Pages: 18

Modern Art and Politics relationship

Artists deviated from old styles at the end of the nineteenth century to create new era of art. The origins of modernism and contemporary art can be traced back to the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution's advances in technology, production, and transportation had a significant effect on the economic, social,...

Words: 2016

Pages: 8

Gregor's Transformation

Gregor's Metamorphosis and Its Significance Gregor's physical transition into an insect is complete. However, he does not alter significantly in the novel. During the metamorphosis, the reader has the opportunity to engage with the ridiculous, crazy, and nonsensical activities of the universe from the perspective of an 'insect.' The Uncertainties of Gregor's...

Words: 290

Pages: 2

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