Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

The Concept of Imagined Communities

The Concept of Imagined Communities The concept of imagined communities is founded on the understanding that even people in the smallest of nation-states on the map of the world neither know members of the society nor associate with them directly, but they have a strong sense of communal interconnections even in...

Words: 1465

Pages: 6

Tuition Fees in Canadian Universities

Tuition fees in Canadian universities are at an all-time high. This has resulted in many students who are underprivileged missing out on post-secondary studies as they are unable to afford the tuition fees. Bilan Arte, the National Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students, in her Huffington Post article reviews...

Words: 1020

Pages: 4

Korean Language and Culture

The Korean Language The Korean language is an East Asian language spoken in both North and South Korea. It is one of the Korean languages and is officially and nationally spoken in these two republics. However, each country has standardized the official form to be used within the specific territories (Mente...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

Moral Panic in The Reaction of Australians to Asylum Seekers

The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers has caused hysteria in the Australian public. Several boats carrying asylum seekers have arrived into the country in the recent past, causing significant concern among members of Australian communities....

Words: 1496

Pages: 6

Figures of Speech in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight

The Poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight features a narration where a knight is challenged and thereafter proceeds to encounter the trial. He then returns home to give an account of the experience that he had in the unknown land. The event...

Words: 1152

Pages: 5

The New Academy Estates in Boston

Insufficient Funding in the Community Most of the time, there is insufficient funding in the community to support and provide for the residents, youths, and the significant activities in the society. Health care activities and parenthood also require adequate funding so that there is sufficient and proper growth in the community....

Words: 1622

Pages: 6

The Role of Time Travel in E. Butler's Novel "Kindred"

E. Butler has played a considerable role in explaining her views on race, gender and sexual violence in the novel “Kindred.” The book is based on a black independent woman Dana who later turned into a slave. However, the ability of time travel assists her to make changes on the...

Words: 1873

Pages: 7

Intertextuality in Isaac Asimov's "The Last Question"

Intertextuality I remember reading a quote once that said "good artists copy; great artists steal." The original author of this quote is shrouded in mystery, since all of the people that were quoted saying it probably stole this quote from someone else. Literary works draw insights and ideas from the real...

Words: 876

Pages: 4

How to Make the Perfect Apology

Candice Jalili's Article: "How to Make the Perfect Apology" Candice Jalili writes an article on Time Magazine titled 'How to make the perfect apology'. She makes it clear that an apology does not only show that the wrongdoer acknowledges the misdeed but it is also a way of making the hurt...

Words: 404

Pages: 2

They Say I Say

1. In the book Desert Solitaire, on page 26, Abbey finds himself at snake's-eye-level again. Why? In Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey, the author finds himself at snake’s eye level again when viewing the lower part of the flowers in the chapter titled, Cliffrose and Bayonets. The...

Words: 346

Pages: 2

My Favorite Teacher in Elementary School

My favorite teacher in elementary school My favorite teacher in elementary school was Ms. Suzy. Ms. Suzy was my fifth-grade teacher but was kind-hearted, humble and cared about all her students. Her classes were always the best and I always felt in the right place due to the way she treated...

Words: 852

Pages: 4

The Role of Legal Science in Wrongful Feelings

The Accuracy of Cases and Wrongful Convictions The reason for this investigation was to analyze the exactness of cases that broken legal science is the primary source of wrongful feelings. This assessment has been accounted for finally by significant news outlets over the United States. It has additionally involved incredible worry...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

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