How to Make the Perfect Apology

Candice Jalili's Article: "How to Make the Perfect Apology"

Candice Jalili writes an article on Time Magazine titled 'How to make the perfect apology'. She makes it clear that an apology does not only show that the wrongdoer acknowledges the misdeed but it is also a way of making the hurt party feel better. As a result, it should express regret, offer an explanation, demonstrate responsibility, declare repentance, offer repair, and seek forgiveness (Jalili).

Among the strengths of the article is reliance on outside sources and reference to great works by notable psychologists. Still, the author guides on how to make amends with the most important people in one’s life such as a romantic partner, a co-worker, a parent, a child, and a sibling. She seems to target all people regardless of age and gender as making an apology is an important part of daily living. The process maintains relationships and it is a crucial step to avoiding possible conflicts in society.

The article is both informative and enlightening as it pertains critical information. However, the author missed out on directing the audience on how to proceed if the wronged party fails to accept the apology made. Should people leave the matter unresolved or proceed to mediation?

Megan Devine's Article: "How to Help a Grieving Friend"

Megan Devine addresses a very sensitive topic of 'How to help a grieving friend'. She explains 11 steps that include showing love in the smallest ways possible, leaving the grief to the griever, and tackling projects together. The writer makes it clear that helping the grieving in the best way possible makes them face the reality with positive energy despite the pain. It is commendable that the article addresses each step clearly and uses simple yet comprehensible language for the audience to understand (Devine).

The attribute of making bold each step before offering an explanation stresses the importance of capturing these concepts. The main audience of the article are people who have no idea of how to show support to their friends experiencing loss. One weakness noted, however, is how Devine makes the process long and can be difficult for the audience to follow, especially for a person who needs to apply the knowledge instantaneously.

Works Cited

Devine, Megan. "How to Help a Grieving Friend: 11 Things to Do When You're Not Sure What to Do." HuffPost 22 February 2016.

Jalili, Candice. "How to Make the Perfect Apology." Time Magazine 20 September 2018.

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