My Favorite Teacher in Elementary School

My favorite teacher in elementary school

My favorite teacher in elementary school was Ms. Suzy. Ms. Suzy was my fifth-grade teacher but was kind-hearted, humble and cared about all her students. Her classes were always the best and I always felt in the right place due to the way she treated her students, especially me. I did not like her subjects, science, and mathematics but she taught me to love them. She did this by explaining in details the theories in science and the calculations steps in Mathematics, which made it easy for me to understand. She had a positive attitude upon entering the classroom, which set me on the go. She would make funny faces while teaching, such as raising her eyebrows. All these elements made me like her the more, so as her subjects.

Transferring to a new school

I transferred my initial school when I reached grade three. Moving to a new environment with new students was very difficult for me to adapt. I developed a negative attitude about the new school, as I felt I was not part of the new school. I made very few friends and I always asked my parents to move to another place so that I would change school and have a chance to make new friends. The new school which I had transferred to was strict and the learners had formed very strong bonds, and thus it was difficult for me to catch up with them. When the academic results for my fourth grade were out, I had performed dismally and was the second last pupil in the stream. I felt disappointed but I expected such results since I never paid attention in class. By this time, our class teacher was a no-nonsense teacher and was always punctual and taught his class very seriously.

Discovering a new teacher

Upon reaching the fifth grade, Ms. Suzy was introduced as our new teacher. My heart grew lighter since I did not like my previous teacher. From the first class of Ms. Suzy, she made fun in her class and took everything lightly. I was impressed by her new style and was happier than before. She taught so well using images, diagrams, and charts, which were easy to remember. I found this easy to understand and remember even during exams. My parents noticed the drastic change and even congratulated me on my new attitude. When the results for my fifth grade came, I was in top three. I was very happy as I had reached the peak of my performance. My parents even took me to a holiday in Miami for a week, as I had performed marvelously, better than any other time. I had formed a close bond with Ms. Suzy, as she often gave me assignments and exercises, after noticing my potential, especially in science.

Nominated for a Science contest

The most memorable moment was when I was nominated for Science contest, to represent my school. This was a rare moment, and such an opportunity rarely occurred even in our school. Things were happening so fast, and I had shed off the old attitude which affected even my relationships with the other students. I had become the new hero sooner than I had adjusted to the new life. Ms. Suzy gave me even more exercises and took time for private tuition to improve my performance at the contests. I was sure even if would not perform in the contest, I would meet with the best brains in the country.

The unforgettable test

On that material day, Ms. Suzy counseled me on the do's and don'ts in the tests. Only the best students in the various states were represented in the contest. Upon sitting for the science test, I said a short prayer but the picture of Ms. Suzy was fresh in my mind. The test started and there I was, thinking of the heights I had scaled in my academics. I could not imagine that was me representing the whole school and the whole county. I had to write all that I knew and place my school on the national map. The test was harder than I anticipated but still, I gave my best to ensure I did not betray the people who had put me in that position. After the test, I interacted with other students from giant institutions.

Achievement and appreciation

A few hours later, the results were out. The supervisors read the results as fear ran down my spine waiting to be among the last. To my surprise and to the surprise of my teachers and parents, I was ranked second. What a victory! I stood there dumbfounded, as the memory of my Ms. Suzy stuck on my mind. The school honored me with many prizes, so as my teacher Ms. Suzy who was promoted. This memory still rings in my mind, and whenever I see the Science contest certificate, I remember Ms. Suzy, my favorite and best teacher. She was the nicest person I ever met and made me discover the other part of me which could never imagine.

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