Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

The Island of Malta

I made a tour to one of the smallest countries in the world one year ago. The country, Malta, is a little Mediterranean paradise that becomes a mystery to anybody who visits as it is so rich in culture and history yet it is not a typical household name. Malta...

Words: 567

Pages: 3

Homer's Odyssey and Telemachus

Homer’s The Odyssey: A Tale of Bravery and Honor Homer’s The Odyssey, is a literary work of art that had transcended time with its thematic influences and its portrayal of different characters. The latter is especially true with the consideration of two of the main characters in the narrative, Odysseus, and...

Words: 679

Pages: 3

Comparison of The Notebook and the Vow

“The Notebook” directed by Nick Cassavetes and “the Vow” by Michael Sucsy are successful motivational and captivating romantic movies. The films have similar plots, with the main characters portrayed as lovers, whose romantic story is used as a basis to overcome their contemporary predicaments. The directors used seemingly similar storylines,...

Words: 1447

Pages: 6

A Comparison of Chinese and American Culture

China and the United States: A Comparison of Cultures China has in the recent years established itself as one of the superpowers in the world. This has drawn many comparisons between China and the United States. Despite the fact that both countries have similar economic goals of being expansive, they have...

Words: 812

Pages: 3

The Artwork of Ernest Narjot and Louis Prang

Following the 1879 centennial, the first place for artists in America to show was Paris other than New York (Mantoux 2015 p 32). At the close of the nineteenth century, the Salon at Paris was the most significant space of exhibition within the Western world. Many artists around the globe...

Words: 607

Pages: 3

The Kinds of Writing and Their Differences

The kind of writing that is made each day varies depending on status, age, work, and interaction between diverse groups. While writing to my supervisor and co-workers, there is often a formal way of presenting issues with a reflective mode of interaction. Communication is done via emails and tweets as...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

The Importance of Early Intervention in Substance Abuse and Addiction

Monroe, Todd, and Heidi Kenaga. "Don't ask don't tell: substance abuse and addiction among nurses." Journal of Clinical Nursing 20.0962-1067 (2011): 505. Print. The article describes the challenges faced by nurses who are addicted to substance abuse. It highlights the responsibility of administrators, providers, and students of identifying practitioners who are...

Words: 728

Pages: 3

Letter to Appeal for Spring Semester

I am writing this letter to appeal for my spring semester. Reading the dismissal letter was not easy for me but I am writing this letter with the hope that the appeal will be accepted and be reinstated in the spring semester. Thank you for giving me the chance to explain...

Words: 305

Pages: 2

The State of Traffic in Atlanta

The State of Traffic in Atlanta There has been plenty of talk within the last couple of years regarding the state of traffic in Atlanta from Buckhead to downtown and sometimes Grant Park. Reports indicate that the state of insufferable congestion in Atlanta could have been underestimated. A report by the...

Words: 1185

Pages: 5

The Role Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine In The Healthcare System

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to diverse healthcare products and services considered to be outside the conventional medicine. CAM comes in five categories namely, mind-body medicine, energy therapies, manipulative and body-based methods, whole medical systems and biologically-based therapies. According to the 2008 National Center for...

Words: 904

Pages: 4

The Effects of Illicit Organ Trade

The Illegal Sale of Body Organs: Causes and Consequences Causes The population is increasing in the world every day, and so are diseases that affect humankind. While there have been significant gains in technology, researchers are yet to come up with a way of creating organs. There have been several proposals and...

Words: 1840

Pages: 7

Cell Phone Usage and Adolescents

The Effects of Cell Phone use Among Teenagers and College Students.                                                             Institutional affiliation                                                                   Student’s name A cell phone is a gadget which enables its client to make and get phone calls to and from the general population phone arrange which incorporates other cell phones and settled line telephones all around the...

Words: 4302

Pages: 16

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