The Kinds of Writing and Their Differences

The kind of writing that is made each day varies depending on status, age, work, and interaction between diverse groups. While writing to my supervisor and co-workers, there is often a formal way of presenting issues with a reflective mode of interaction. Communication is done via emails and tweets as the company is big, an aspect that requires an organized structure. The kind of tone which is used is formal and is accompanied by pertinent grammar, spellings, and punctuation of sentences. In most cases, my tone is quite reserved and enthusiastic about the ideas being presented. Nonetheless, there is minimal interaction with these individuals since their characters are not well known to me.

On the other hand, the writing of texts, status, and updates to friends and family members is usually informal. Casual words like “LOL” are used to indicate that the form of interaction is ordinary. My tone is typically blissful and cheerful since I recognize the behaviors and traits of the social group and family associates involved in communication. Interaction and the choice of words between these groups vary based on their intuitions. However, there is less focus on things like grammar, punctuations, and spellings. Sentence construction is often unofficial, short, and precise.

From the two kinds of communication, there are vivid similarities which are witnessed. For example, each group is treated with respect despite using different styles of communication. Moreover, social media platforms are mostly used to pass ideas. Furthermore, each message is presented depending on the type of event that is taking place. The other similarity is that texts are mostly presented through writings rather than verbal means to enhance future reference. The final analogy is that the primary purpose of these communications is to clarify facts, share ideas or give directions to various groups.

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