Letter to Appeal for Spring Semester

I am writing this letter to appeal for my spring semester.

Reading the dismissal letter was not easy for me but I am writing this letter with the hope that the appeal will be accepted and be reinstated in the spring semester. Thank you for giving me the chance to explain my condition.

For sure life did not favor me during the last semester

and as a result, I performed poorly in my academic. I understand that academic failure may limit me to achieve a lot of things but I would like to explain my condition rather than giving excuses. I was unable to attend the last semester classes due to various reasons and this made me fail to meet the required mark. Meeting basic needs has never been challenging to my mother like during the last semester. Due to her inability to cater for all our needs, I was working so that I could help him pay for tuition fee as she already has enough house bills to handle alone in addition to the car insurance she pays for hers and mine. I was also really sick with a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit thus I missed a lot of classes. My cousin had also passed away and with all that, it took a toll on me. Even though my explanation may not effectively justify my academic failure, the circumstance was unavoidable and also beyond my control. I would like to graduate so that I can achieve what I have always dreamt of in my life. I am now prepared to face the life and academic challenges for me to be able to balance my life. I am requesting you to give me another opportunity to be a member of the college. Thank you for reading the letter and considering my appeal.


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