Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

Market Structure and Pricing in Australia Post's Letter Delivery Service

Economic logic for market structures, profits/losses and pricing are explored in this essay through examining Australia Post’s letter delivery service. Q1) Australia Postal Corporation (Australian Post) is an Australian government-owned entity; their “reserved right” – to exclusively deliver standard letters domestically (by Australian Postal Corporations Act 1989) – creates a legal barrier...

Words: 941

Pages: 4

The Minimum Wage Debate in the United States

The Minimum Wage Debate in the United States The minimum wage debate seems to be taking grounds in the United States with rising concerns about the need to increase the current minimum wage. This comes after the president showed interest in improving the hourly wage in a bid to cater for...

Words: 681

Pages: 3

Congestion Tax in Australia

Traffic jams and road congestion in Australia have risen at an alarming rate, which has also increased the costs of transport for the commuter, and city dwellers. It takes more time to move around the city because of clogged roads, a fact that has pushed the costs to over $16...

Words: 1880

Pages: 7

The Benefits of Democracy

In my view, Democracy is always the best form of government, and the United States should fight to spread democracy in every society around the world. That is because the global spread of democracy will provide a broad range of benefits to both the United States and the new democracies....

Words: 395

Pages: 2

Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the action taken by the Federal Reserve to achieve specific economic goals. The main targets are the inflation and the unemployment rate. Some of the tools used to achieve the goals are open market operations, the reserve requirement and the discount rate. The policies the Fed...

Words: 306

Pages: 2

The Inverse Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation

Inverse Relationship between Inflation and Unemployment There exists an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment in the short run. In economics, this relationship is referred to as Philip's curve. However, it is not a permanent tradeoff and ceases to exist in the long run. Policy makers have a tough choice to...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

The Theory of the Firm

VC, is his wage cost ($80 per worker per day) and his other input costs ($0.50 per cup). Marty’s total cost, TC, is the sum of the variable cost and his fixed cost of $100 per day. The calculations are accompanied in table 1 below: Table 1 Calculations of VC, TC,...

Words: 625

Pages: 3

The Role of Security in the US

Security Security is termed as the unavailability of coercion on people and goods. Today, security is seen as a basic need on either private or public sector. Thus, global organizations have given it a priority in guarding both the high income and the low-income nations. Public and Private Protection Services In America, public...

Words: 383

Pages: 2

The Role of Congress in the United States

The Power of Congress Over Policy Matters The article “Trump Will Consult with Congress on Refugee Cap-State Department” by Reuters portrays the power of the Congress over policy matters. Although the federal law offers the president with authority to fix the number of the United States Refugees, the requirement is that...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

The Role of Rating Agencies in the Global Financial Crisis

The Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on Credit Rating Agencies The year 2008 will remain etched in the minds of the United States citizens because of the global financial crisis that was witnessed then. During the financial meltdown, the three big credit-rating agencies were involved in a scandal that entailed...

Words: 1196

Pages: 5

The Tipping Point in Economics

The Tipping Point and its Characteristics The stage of drastic increase or decline of a phenomenon can be described as its tipping point. The idea of Tipping point is applied to understand various trends such as increase in sales of commodities, decline in urban crime rates, disease outbreaks, among other cases....

Words: 834

Pages: 4

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) The internet of things (IoT) describes the network of various physical devices such as home appliances, vehicles, as well as various other home appliances that are equipped with sensors and software that enable connectivity. In return, connectivity allows for connection and the exchange of data, which...

Words: 295

Pages: 2

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