Creative Essays

As the only essay type that makes it possible to go beyond one’s grading rubric, creative writing asks for a great narration or anything that you may present as something creative. Since it is not that easy for most students, we recommend checking our essay examples that will boost your brain and inspire you to start. As always, good ideas for such essays may include telling about something imaginary or thinking about the future. Some paper samples even talk about being a president for a day or discuss the outer space aliens’ visit. The possibilities are truly endless, so do not limit yourself and remember that you should still follow a clear plot that has an introduction, a strong idea, and a conclusion with a lesson!

Helene Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl retaining her aesthetic professionalism was her main job no matter being the critic as an agonist guided by ambition that takes handle things for personal benefit and neglects the ethical consequences of the situation. Riefenstahl claims that her art used to be not meant for propaganda as a...

Words: 3552

Pages: 13

What is plagiarism

Honesty is the policy of all types of work offered by scholars, academics, and professors at the College of DuPage and around the world. Cheating is one example of violating an institution's academic code of ethics, and it may result in drastic consequences, including expulsion from school. As a result,...

Words: 1257

Pages: 5

What Makes Offensive Humor Funny?

Offensive Humor: Taking Comedy for What it Is Have you ever asked if people find you rude or really didn t see the joke? You are, however, not alone. Offensive comedy is intended to be amusing. Why is this so? Since it is amusing. It is made up with the purpose...

Words: 1253

Pages: 5

The Importance of Volunteering

It is not possible to stress enough the need to be interested in a volunteering experience. There are quite a lot of advantages that accrue to both the user and even many other individuals just from a person who wishes to volunteer within the community. I was still at that...

Words: 785

Pages: 3

Socialization and profession

Professionalism is an invaluable term that comes from a person's workplace and affects one's interpersonal relationships and interactions. Lai and Pek (2012) describe professional socialization as a method of gaining expertise, skills, behaviors, and norms that are specific to a particular career. Destructive personal values greatly slow down the degree...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

First Person Experience about Going on a Cruise to the Bahamas

My First Cruise Adventure When my dad took me to the port, at the same time, I was nervous and overjoyed. That was going to be my first trip on a cruise. My pal Tony has come along. My dad had offered to take me to the dock the night before,...

Words: 837

Pages: 4

Social Services and Community

Community Programs and Collaboration Community programs play a very important role within our societies, which is why demand for their services continues to grow. They are faced with the issue of declining budgets and shortage of workers in as much as this is the case, thereby impacting their work and the...

Words: 480

Pages: 2


Americans' lives had an inequality depending on where they lived. In many ways, life in the suburbs differed significantly from living in cities or on farms. During the Civil War, many Americans relocated from the suburbs and farms to the emerging cities, searching for greener pastures. People from Poland, Germany, Italy,...

Words: 476

Pages: 2

Fashion Review

Fashion and Society Fashion refers to the new approaches of doing things in the society. Often fashion depicts in the way human beings dress, interact, forge mannerisms and develop a habit of doing a precise thing a certain way. Therefore, trend is fluid in the society and enables one to have...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5


Fashion is a modern thing meaning it comes and goes. For a lengthy period of time, fashion has been labeled such that there is the fashion for men and for women. However, as time moves, and we get into the twenty first century, the conspicuous difference which existed between the...

Words: 2060

Pages: 8

Cultural Imperialism

Cultural Hegemony and Cultural Imperialism Cultural hegemony is a widespread ideology that has swept through a variety of countries around the world (Mirrlees 16). Countries with influential and affluent cultures are seen as a model for copying and imposing their cultures on less economically rich cultures around the globe. In most...

Words: 508

Pages: 2

Contributions of J.K. Rowling to the World of Literature

J.K. Rowling's works of literature have profoundly inspired and informed many people's opinions and ambitions. Her best-selling "Harry Potter" series has helped young readers develop emotional and social skills. Heilman contends that, aside from the Bible, "The “Harry Potter” novels have hit more people around the world than any other...

Words: 1467

Pages: 6

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