Essays on Literature Review

The literature review essay defines literary review as a comprehensive study that evaluates and combines all previous materials and research on a specific topic. Many authors of literature review essays specify that it is not simply a compilation of resources, but a critical review that considers all available sources of knowledge about a certain subject, topic, or area of expertise. According to essays on literature review, it analyzes those resources, determines main themes, questions, and notes inconsistencies. It allows getting a full idea about the information available on a subject. Give some love to our literature review essay samples below – we put together some great essay samples we sure you'll like.

William Shakespeare Richard III play

William Shakespeare is a playwright whose works include histories, tragedies, and comedies. Shakespeare's plays are of exceptional dramatic brilliance. For example, Richard III's play is centered on keeping everyone in the dark about everything. In the instance of Richard II, we are kept in the dark throughout the play. A...

Words: 4526

Pages: 17

Why US Presidents Were Adamant about Protecting the Spoils System

Following Senator William L. Marcy's contentious declaration in 1829, "to the winners belong the spoils," the spoils system was founded. It was a new system in which political appointments dictated who would hold civil and government positions. While the contentious spoils system was considered to be a means of encouraging...

Words: 290

Pages: 2


I was always perplexed by the whole debate around North Korea's ballistic missile tests until I read Mandelbaum's article, "Is major war obsolete?" Mandelbaum's ideas have helped me gain meaningful insight into the concept of war, with particular focus on issues such as the cost of a major war, the...

Words: 292

Pages: 2

An evaluation of six brief interventions that target drug-related problems in correctional populations

Introduction Joe and colleagues wrote the article (2012). The article is based on the growing number of inmates in both local and federal prisons as a result of drug addiction. The purpose of the report was to look into various intervention mechanisms that could be utilized to lessen the country’s ever-increasing...

Words: 1319

Pages: 5

Benefits of Mindful Citizens in the Society

Mindfulness and its benefits in any society have grown in popularity over the last decade, and both the public press and psychotherapists recognize this trend. This technique has evolved from a previously veiled Buddhist concept developed 2600 years ago to a modern mainstream psychotherapy design (Valentine et al. 59). This article...

Words: 1882

Pages: 7

“Media multi-taskers are 'deluded'”

Multitasking and its Effect on Learning It is clear from reading Annie Paul s essay Media multi-taskers are deluded that the current generation of students is seriously endangered by students propensity to multitask while learning. Annie demonstrates how, after fifteen minutes of entering the classroom, students...

Words: 396

Pages: 2

Lobbying as legislative subsidy.

The essay examines lobbying as a sort of legislative subsidy, in which policy intelligence and legislative effort are offered to selected politicians to encourage the fulfillment of specific goals. The article examines lobbying theories and offers an alternative perspective on lobbying as a technique of accomplishing political goals. What is the...

Words: 620

Pages: 3

About Trauma Resilience

A person's resilience A person's resilience is their capacity to overcome challenges while maintaining their regular development. A person is considered to have trauma resilience when they encounter a painful incident in life and learn to adjust so they are not badly impacted.Effects of sexual abuse In spite of practicing trauma resilience,...

Words: 379

Pages: 2

About Hypertension

The Connection Between Hypertension and Vision LossThe connection between hypertension and vision loss is covered in the article "Reversible Loss of Vision in Malignant Hypertension" by Shukla and Virani. The 35-year-old individual in the article who was assessed by the authors had diminished vision in both of his eyes. With...

Words: 720

Pages: 3

public debates and conversations about radical issues

The paper looks into and examines how discussions about radical topics, which primarily occur in far-flung locations, have converged on the issue of girls and education (Shenila, 88). Malala Yousafzai, a well-known international activist who fought for girls education rights, was shot. This is true even though they are...

Words: 583

Pages: 3

Annotated bibliography for Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night.

Gogh, Vincent, Sjraar Heugten, Joachim Pissarro, Chris Stolwijk, Geeta Bruin, Maite Dijk, and Jennifer Field are a few artists who come to mind. The colors of the night and Van Gogh. 2008, New York: Museum of Modern Art Print. The Museum of Modern Art released this book with the goal of...

Words: 924

Pages: 4

India and art

This essay's primary goal is to provide a thorough analysis of at least 7 Indian phrases that are connected to Indian art and culture. Additionally, it seeks to define certain fundamental notions of Jainism, the place of the Mughals in society, and the evolution of regional Indian painting. Another major...

Words: 1313

Pages: 5

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