Essays on Illness

Impacts of Medical Technology on Social Health

Although medical technologies have positively affected many patients and the whole health sector by lengthening the lives and improving the quality of life for many patients, there are still some negative effects caused by these advancements. This essay will explore the impacts, both positive and negative of medical technologies on...

Words: 1502

Pages: 6

Alcohol Addiction and Treatment

Alcohol abuse and dependence is one of the most common problems handled by psychiatrists across the globe. While several factors are attributed to the development of addiction, sexual orientation may compound the problem. Researchers have found that compared with the general population, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) people have...

Words: 1344

Pages: 5

Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana legalization is a multifaceted and controversial issue that is subject to serious debates and legal battles. Proponents who support legalization of marijuana alleged that it is vital both for medicinal and recreational purposes. Marijuana is deemed to be illegal in the 21st century, and this is ostensibly due to...

Words: 1005

Pages: 4

Vegetarian Diet for Children

The idea of embracing a vegetable diet The idea of embracing a diet composed of vegetable is becoming a trend in the twenty-first century as the debate on what benefits it offers has since erupted. The advantages to children are particularly critical because there a vast range of positive outcomes that...

Words: 1343

Pages: 5

Yoga as a Way of Treating Depression and Anxiety Disorders

The Use of Yoga in Treating Anxiety and Depression Disorders The use of Yoga as a way of treating and managing anxiety and depression disorders and related disorders has become over the past few decades. Hatha yoga is the most common type of yoga used as it combines controlled breathing, physical...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6

Chuck Baird: An Inspiration to the Deaf Community

Chuck Baird is a renowned artist who in his tenure (1947-2012) contributed significantly to the deaf community, including the establishment of De’VIA, which is a painting that shows the life of a deaf individual within the hearing universe. He was born with the disability of deafness in 1947 in the...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

The Role of Dancing in Mental Health

Compare and Contrast Choreographer Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley are among the renowned choreographers in the dancing fraternity. The contribution of the two has introduced and strengthened dancing techniques in performing art. What makes the two unique in the performing art sector is that they both...

Words: 717

Pages: 3

Mesoamerica Essay

The Civilization of Ancient Aztec The civilization of ancient Aztec had a perception of life and life after death which is extraordinarily different from the modern culture perspective. This perspective was primarily shaped by region and this infused every early Aztec life. Aztec refers to a native ethnic group which is...

Words: 1565

Pages: 6

The Role of Psychoactive Drugs in Human Culture

This excerpt provides a brief summary of how psychoactive drugs transform human culture as posited by Wadley (2016). Wadley (2016) stated that the use of psychoactive drugs takes place in all human societies. The way an individual thinks, acts or feels can be easily altered by a small dose of...

Words: 335

Pages: 2

Gender Role

In the Victorian era: questioning gender roles In the Victorian era, males were not only the society's protectors and providers, but also its rulers and decision-makers. Women, on the other hand, were homemakers, moms, and wives. It was common for males to own all the property, and wives to rely on...

Words: 1273

Pages: 5

Reading Disorders and Disabilities

According to Lyon (2015), a leading impairment is characterized by a disorder in one or more fundamental psychological processes relating to the comprehension or use of language, whether written or spoken, which may manifest itself as erroneous reading, speaking, listening, spelling, or writing skills. The phrase "reading disability" refers to...

Words: 694

Pages: 3

Designing for Emotion by Aarron Walter

The intriguing book Designing for Emotion by Aarron Walter offers techniques and strategies that can facilitate human connections through design. Designing for emotion is crucial, and the case studies offered assist the reader comprehend this idea. The material discusses practical and tactical skills that can be applied to a variety...

Words: 563

Pages: 3

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