Essays on Health

Writing a health essay is a good way to remind yourself that heath is an invaluable asset and the main condition of a fulfilling life. Health helps us take care of our plans, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, handle significant overloads. Carefully maintained health sets us up for long life – all health essays you can find in our essay samples agree with this statement. Many essays on health were written about unfortunate health issues like hypodynamia and obesity, you too should consider them for your essay. Some people have other issues – they fail to rest, putting aside work and domestic concerns. Those people are always restless, anxious, suffer from insomnia, and nervous episodes. Some people succumb to addiction, which significantly shortens their lives. Read our health essay samples for more info on the topic of health!

Treatment For Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes people to binge eat and then purge (or use other methods of controlling hunger). It can be a long-term condition, but recovery is possible. Treatment aims to treat the symptoms and help you to stop using unhealthy behaviors to control your weight. It...

Words: 531

Pages: 2

What is Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a type of hardening or thickening of your arteries that can cause problems with your heart, brain and other parts of your body. It usually starts in childhood but can progress quickly as you age. Athlerosclerosis can affect any artery in your body, but it is most common in...

Words: 494

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Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial personality disorder is a mental illness that affects the way people think and behave. It can lead to social problems and criminal activity. The most common symptoms include a disregard for the rights of others, violation of the law, and a lack of remorse.Psychiatry's Forgotten Disorder Often described...

Words: 511

Pages: 2

What Is Amnesia?

Amnesia is a disorder that causes people to forget things. It can be caused by an illness, brain damage, or certain drugs. Memory loss may be short-term or long-term. Symptoms of amnesia You can’t remember what happened to you or you can’t remember anything about your past. This condition can affect your...

Words: 540

Pages: 2

Eating disorders

Although eating disorders are a health condition that can afflict anyone at any age, the problem usually begins in adolescence, making young individuals more susceptible to the illness. Millions of teens suffer from eating disorders just in America. 95 percent of those affected by the illness are between the ages...

Words: 2456

Pages: 9

A Nonscientific summary

The Symptoms of Transient Ischemic Attack The symptoms of transient ischemic attack, a condition, are similar to those of stroke. Clinical symptoms may include numbness, trouble swallowing, slurred speech, weakness on one side of the body, confused vision, and even mental disorientation. If the situation worsens, it can end up turning...

Words: 2123

Pages: 8

About Medical Marijuana

Since marijuana was seen to have no medical value, the US Congress wisely decided to include it in the Controlled Substances Act in 1970. But since then, 29 of the 50 states in the US have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and the federal government has not...

Words: 851

Pages: 4

The Heart

The muscular organ known as the heart serves as the body's circulatory pump and is roughly the same size as a closed fist. As a result, the heart receives deoxygenated blood through the veins and sends it to the lungs for oxygenation before pumping it to other arteries. The thoracic...

Words: 662

Pages: 3

The blood-brain barrier (BBB)

Endothelial cells, which are highly specialized to enable precise regulation of chemicals entering or leaving the brain, make up the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Endothelial cell interaction with cellular and non-cellular components controls the barrier's development and maintenance (Obermeier et al., 2013). Extracellular matrix, pericytes, and astrocytes in particular offer both...

Words: 2249

Pages: 9

Antiseptics,Antibiotics and disinfectants

In hospitals, biological labs, and other settings requiring aseptic practices, disinfectants and antiseptics frequently perform identical tasks and are utilized. The primary application of these chemicals is to eliminate undesirable infections and dangerous bacteria during laboratory processes. In order to achieve the necessary results, certain laboratory operations require special techniques....

Words: 583

Pages: 3

Caffeine's Neurologic and Metabolic Effects

This study aims to identify the metabolic pathways that caffeine in the body upregulates and their impact on physical activity. Caffeine's effects on the metabolism and bodily activities can be mapped using thorough study and successfully performed studies. Caffeine metabolism is influenced by the user's genotype and physical condition. Pregnancy,...

Words: 1427

Pages: 6

Lab Report on Using Heat and UV to Control Microorganisms

In several fields, microorganisms are acknowledged to be more problematic than helpful. It is crucial to keep them under control and to prevent their expansion because they have been connected to numerous ailments. Additionally, this would aid in preventing the spread of illness and other medical disorders. In industries like medical,...

Words: 1047

Pages: 4

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