Essays on Emotions

The Effects of Social Media Addiction on Young Adults

Obsession with smartphones and the social media can greatly affect stress levels and one’s relationships. Roberts (2016) argues that behavioral and substance addictions to social media can be categorized into six groups namely; tolerance, salience, conflict, euphoria, relapse and withdrawal symptoms. According to Dallas (2016), internet addiction is linked to mental...

Words: 385

Pages: 2

Positive Psychology

Some of the fundamental values and beliefs of positive psychology include: First, gratitude is one of the values which contributes to happiness in life. Positive psychology beliefs and focuses on enhancing happiness and therefore, the more one s cultivates gratitude, the more happily the people will be. Another belief is that happiness...

Words: 247

Pages: 1

Test Anxiety

Criterion Validity Criterion validity or concrete validity is a powerful means of establishing the validity of a test. In regards to test scores, variables that can be compared include test scores and anxiety levels (Csikszentmihalyi " Larson, 2014). A comparison of the two variables helps to establish the relationship between anxiety...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

What is Happiness?

An individual’s state of happiness or unhappiness gives much reflection about him. People who are happy feel confident about themselves, and they tend to perceive the world as the safest place for existence. They are more tolerant, make good decisions and are cooperative. They don't dwell much on their negative...

Words: 579

Pages: 3

Emotion Regulation and the Process Model

Emotion is a complicated subject which is often accompanied by behavioral and even biological changes. Further, emotion involves thinking, behavioral changes such as the facial expression, feeling and also the activation of the nervous system. Also, there are various theories which exist explaining the existence of emotions. For example, there...

Words: 1603

Pages: 6

The Role of Hope and Empowerment in Personal Recovery

Having none or fewer symptoms and being back to how your life was before without the illness is clinical recovery. Personal healing is a unique, deeply personal process of transforming one’s values, attitudes, skills, goals, and roles to better ones. Individual recovery is living a contributing, satisfying, and hopeful life...

Words: 750

Pages: 3

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Review of Research Article: Sociocultural Context of Emotional Intelligence Development of 5-7 Year 0ld ChildrenUnderstanding Emotional Intelligence in ChildrenThis research article written by Silakova Marina Mikhailovna and Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna discusses the sociocultural development of the emotional intelligence of children who are aged between five and seven years old. The...

Words: 659

Pages: 3

The Role of Emotions in Decision Making

Decision Making and Emotional Responses Decision making forms a very significant aspect of human thinking and problem-solving. Humans make decisions based on two major factors, namely, the emotional aspect and the logical aspect of reasoning. Decisions made due to emotional responses come from the heart while those based on logic come...

Words: 313

Pages: 2

The Pros and Cons of Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviors

Both pro-social and antisocial behaviors are voluntary actions, but the former is intended to benefit another person or group of people, while the latter seeks to harm or disadvantage another individual or group (Hyde, Shaw, " Moilanen, 2010). This discussion describes prosocial and antisocial behaviors depicted in two advertisements and...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

Positive Psychology

When the word psychology is brought up, the first thing in mind may be an area of study dedicated to solving the gloomy side of life characterized by anxieties, addictions, phobias, etc. In a world struck by a flux of natural, social, economic and financial challenges, the study and understanding...

Words: 883

Pages: 4

Can Positive Psychology Cause Happiness?

Positive psychology is explained as the study of the specific ways of thinking and acting that involve the positive aspects of human nature. Happiness, on the other hand, is a human phenomenon characterized by positive feelings that inherently influence how an individual perceives life. The psychology of positive human functioning...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

The Causes of Unhappiness in Our Society

An article was published in Time Magazine’s online version claiming that one of the major causes of unhappiness in our society is the use of cellular phones at the dinner table. The article is based on a recent study which focused on mobile phones being one of the major causes...

Words: 738

Pages: 3

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