The Role of Hope and Empowerment in Personal Recovery

Having none or fewer symptoms and being back to how your life was before without the illness is clinical recovery. Personal healing is a unique, deeply personal process of transforming one’s values, attitudes, skills, goals, and roles to better ones. Individual recovery is living a contributing, satisfying, and hopeful life even within the restrictions produced by illness (Harding, 2002). Personal improvement encourages the wellbeing and person’s health, including improving self-esteem, ability to maintain good relationships and self-confidence (Harding, 2002).

Characteristics of personal recovery are, every individual has their process of healing, it starts with hope, it takes time, involves having control and empowerment, and realizing own strengths ( Salze, Brusilovskiy, " Townley, 2018). Clinical recovery features are, it takes time depending on the illness suffered, depends on the age of the individual who is sick, and how long the individual was experiencing the infection. The advantage of medical recovery is the person is free from the pathogens causing the disease one was suffering. Benefits of individual regaining are one can live a better life despite suffering from an illness. I would favor personal recovery because living hopefully ensures contribution to the society and friends in the future ( Salze, Brusilovskiy, " Townley, 2018).

The limitation of personal recovery is accepting the confines of the illness and agree to live within those boundaries. Restriction of clinical improvement is focusing on medical regaining only, and one will be defined by the medical problem which will result in worsening of the medical condition ( Salze, Brusilovskiy, " Townley, 2018). As per Slade, recovery is used to treat patients with mental illness, first by medication until the symptoms reduce then personal recovery to ensure the patients make their life better by understanding the aspect of life such as setting goals. Deciding when to use either model is by observing if the patients have the indications of the illness, use medical recovery to cure and if the symptoms are subdued use personal recovery model. The two models can be integrated but also being careful not to focus on one model more than the other approach ( Salze, Brusilovskiy, " Townley, 2018).

Response to Question Three

Empowerment denotes to the procedures designed to improve self-determination of people to enable them to represent their interest responsibly. Hope is being optimistic and expecting better outcomes concerning circumstances and events in a person’s life (Abuse, 2014). I believe that hope is the basis of recovery process because if a person who is regaining progression is based on faith, the belief that people can overcome the challenges that they are facing provides the motivating and essential message of a future that is better (Abuse, 2014).

To encourage people who do not have hope, helping them to figure out how they want their life to be. Hopeless people struggle with life because they do not know how their future will be, and helping them decide which experience is desirable they will regain their hope (Abuse, 2014). After assisting them to have a vision of future life, help them to compare with circumstances of the present life which will help set goals to achieve the need. Also assisting hopeless people to consider if the expectations they have in life are unrealistic or realistic is essential to ensure that they will not feel hopeless in future (Abuse, 2014).

To empower people who feel powerless, ensure that they have basic needs like water, shelter, food, and a job which will give them the certainty of having control of their lives. Providing an environment that they can perform exercising activities and interacting with other people will empower the individuals. Providing an environment that they can have a good rest is essential, well-rested people feel happier and have no stress (Abuse, 2014).

Hope and empowerment can be incorporated in the treatment process by giving sick people hope by helping them see that there is life after illness will provide them with courage and strength to want to be better. Also empowering the sick will show them that they are not the only people leaving with the same condition which will result into strength to live with the state and to get better from the illness ( Salze, Brusilovskiy, " Townley, 2018).      


Salze, M. S., Brusilovskiy, E., " Townley, G. (2018). National estimates of recovery-remission from serious mental illness. Psychiatric services, 69(5), 523-528.

Abuse, S. (2014). Mental Health Services Administration.(2012). SAMHSA's working definition of recovery: 10 guiding principles of recovery. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.(Archived by WebCiteVR Available from: http://www. webcitation. org/6Vm7B2SaF).

Harding, C. M. (2002). Beautiful minds can be recovered. . The New York Times.

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