Essays on Discipline


According to Christian Wasson, the article s editor, design anthropology aids in representing anthropologists activities as they work with team members and designers from other disciplines. As a consequence, these activities lead to the growth of innovative product concepts. The anthropologists contributions are mostly seen in the ethnographic...

Words: 878

Pages: 4

Discipline is the act of enforcing rules on children.

The Importance of DisciplineMost communities around the world also agree that punishing children is the only way to teach them discipline. As a result of the harsh punishments that some parents administer to their children in the name of discipline, there have been reports of serious injury and even death....

Words: 600

Pages: 3

Writing across disciplines

Writing Across Disciplines: Expanding a Writer's Potential Writing through disciplines is essential for developing a writer's potential in areas such as critical thought, analysis, and broadening the possibilities for gaining information through data integration. Furthermore, the practice familiarizes an individual with various writing skills from various fields of education. For example,...

Words: 1287

Pages: 5

What is virtual communication

The status of the signals seen in culture through the media has been a leading critic of how we view them through politics, sociology, and philosophy, among others. Similarly, the image examination for the recognition of a meaningful meaning can be traced back over a decade ago to the use,...

Words: 1728

Pages: 7

Most people trust and believe that social media has significantly changed public relations as a discipline.

Most people agree that social media has greatly affected public relations as a profession. Those who have been in the PR discipline for a long time have seen remarkable improvements and will be able to testify to the fact that, in the new world of social media, people ingest news and...

Words: 961

Pages: 4

social media growth impact on public relations in the 21st century

How social media impacts on Public Relations Most people agree that social media has greatly affected public relations as a profession. Those who have been in the PR discipline for a long time have seen remarkable improvements and will be able to testify to the fact that, in the new world...

Words: 508

Pages: 2

Dicispline and Corporal Punishment

Children are important people in our lives and every family seeks to ensure that they are properly trained to become respectable individuals in society. This is why many parents have used different strategies to instill their offspring's desired behaviour. Discipline and corporal punishment are the techniques used by guardians to...

Words: 1537

Pages: 6

Alexandra Samuel, in Plug in Better

Alexandra Samuel, in 'Plug in Better Grant: a Manifesto and Malcolm Gladwell,' in 'Small Change: Why the Movement Will Not Be Tweeted,' says that technology has both benefits and pitfalls in terms of online social relations. If technology is used properly, it will bring about social improvements and enable people...

Words: 1140

Pages: 5

Anne Curzan “Says Who? Teaching and Questioning the Rules of Grammar”

A few intriguing and divisive questions clearly stand out in "Says Who? Teaching and Challenging the Laws of Grammar by Anne Curzan. In a wider and more important perspective, the points put forth by Curzan are very exciting, in the sense that vocabulary and the field of linguistics as a...

Words: 1195

Pages: 5

Disciplinary Perspective

Disciplinary Perspective and Disciplinary Insight Disciplinary perspective is a manner in which a particular discipline views and approaches the appreciation of dilemma, challenge, or problem in the world. It entails the specific way in which a concern filters out particular phenomena of interest by a practitioner. Disciplinary viewpoint is different from disciplinary...

Words: 233

Pages: 1

Effect of Spanking your Kids

Downsizing a child adversely affects the trust of a child for parents and guardians. Spanking only emerges from frustration in most situations, so kids seem to lose faith each time. As a result, most kids grow up with a similar attitude where whenever they are upset they appear to react by...

Words: 349

Pages: 2

romance in love

Social psychology is a field of psychology that deals specifically with multiple social experiences related to their originality and their influence on people. Social psychology is the discipline in which York seeks to break down the enigmatic ways in which individuals lead their lives and explain the means for credible...

Words: 1490

Pages: 6

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