Essays on Decision

The Police Discretion in a Militarized Police Force

Officers of the law have viewed the twenty-first century as a time for some of the most sophisticated judicial controls, including full oversight of all acts taken. In an age where police departments in the United States have become heavily militarized, police discretion has become a contentious issue. Police discretion...

Words: 902

Pages: 4

about development

The world in which an individual grows has an effect on many facets of their life. Significant life choices, such as whether to marry or not to marry, are among the facets. As a result, each of the ecological components plays a role in an individual's decision-making process. The microsystem...

Words: 1391

Pages: 6

toyota business

If Toyota's operation had been based on cost rather than quality, it would have changed the raw material. Toyota's operations have recently set high expectations for content consistency. This suggests that, in order to concentrate on a low-cost vehicle, Toyota would have preferred to use more cost-effective materials, losing efficiency...

Words: 604

Pages: 3

Buyer Behavior and Segmenting Markets

Buyer behavior refers to how consumers think and behave when making purchasing choices. This trend is divided into two categories: industrial customers who buy for business uses and customers who buy for their own and family's consumption. The business is concerned with the buyer's organization, the consumer's logistical need, and...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

a certified public accountant

My parents were instrumental in convincing me to study accounting as a major. My parents instilled in me critical reasoning and practicality as I grew up, which I have brought with me throughout my life. They taught me to always make sensible and intelligent choices in my life because those...

Words: 543

Pages: 2

Ethical Dilemma

Ethics in the industry Especially in accounting, ethics in the industry is primarily concerned with making moral decisions about not only the preparation of financial statements but also its presentation and disclosure (Cantrell and Lucas).Major obligation to the public It is important to recognize that people in the accounting industry have a...

Words: 723

Pages: 3

Ethics Challenge

The Biggest Ethics Question for Kranbrack Corporation The biggest ethics question in Kranbrack Corporation's situation stems from the company's founder, Mr. Gallant, who was able to misinterpret the company's end-of-year financial statements in order to report better profits that they actually obtained. Since the firm is publicly traded on the national...

Words: 361

Pages: 2

the clash of civilization

Politics and Its Evolution Politics is the mechanism by which decisions governing or affecting citizens are made (Huntington 6). Political trends and disputes have evolved over time, becoming more complex. External influences such as attitudes, history, and even religious elements are due to the changes. Historically, the political competition was between...

Words: 909

Pages: 4

Examples of challenging political issues

The President of the United States The President of the United States, who is now Donald Trump, is the Commander-in-Chief. President Donald Trump has made many military actions that have either helped or hurt Americans.The rivalry between ISIS and Al-Qaeda The first strategic issue has been the rivalry between ISIS and Al-Qaeda....

Words: 330

Pages: 2

As President of the United States what would you do?

Withdrawal from NATOWithdrawing from NATO will be one of the most tragic choices taken by the President. Withdrawal ensures that the geopolitical climate of West Europe will change dramatically, as will the rest of the world. In fact, the US is expected to lose the bulk of its strategic allies...

Words: 936

Pages: 4

how to become informed voter

To become an educated elector, one must first consider the governance processes, the right to vote in an election, what is required in the election, and how to evaluate the candidates running for the different positions. A well-educated electorate is capable of making an informed decision without being coerced by...

Words: 1759

Pages: 7

The case of citizen united v federal election

Citizens United v. Federal Election CommissionCitizens United v. Federal Election Commission is a seminal case that can be used to demonstrate and prove how our educated judges in our courts can make rulings that do more harm than success. Since other predicaments have fallen on various races and classes in...

Words: 1583

Pages: 6

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