Essays on Art

Art should make you feel enlightened - the same job falls to an Art essay. When enthusing about art, authors of some essays fail to comprehend its significance to mankind – for centuries it was an outlet of emotions, both painful and happy, a way to communicate with the world, as well as a statement of the creative self. For us, art is a silent teacher and a looking glass to peek into the past. This makes art essays go beyond plain words and into the realm of meaningful ideas. Art essay samples showcased below can help you get a grasp on some prominent ways to complete your task with an outstanding result. If you ever require any help with some of your especially daunting essays on Art, we are here for you.

Symbolism that advances the story's or the play's development

Symbols are symbols of one thing used to evoke a certain interpretation of another. This kind of play or story writing can be seen all over the place. Symbolism in contextual literature employs structures, figures, contexts, or terms to portray other entities such as ideas (Thomas). It is divided into...

Words: 608

Pages: 3

IN THE ANCIENT MIDDLE EAST Art History: Visions, sorcery, and spirits

In visions, individuals in the ancient Middle East pursued divine intervention or spiritual guide. The best term used to characterize visitation by deities, the deceased, spirits or gods is growth. There is a multicultural tradition of incubation activities and the approaches differ greatly. Magic divination and witchcraft were used by...

Words: 1568

Pages: 6


Orwell incorporates symbolism to reinforce the novel's multiple themes. Orwell wrote 1984 with the main aim of educating future generations about the risks of accepting a totalitarian state. The speaker uses strong metaphors to intensify the meaning of the thoughts when relaying the knowledge through various themes. Orwell uses icons such...

Words: 1456

Pages: 6

An analysis of ‘Othello’ by William Shakespeare

Othello's Dying Words "Loved not wisely, but too well" reflect the fated General's demise in the Venetian military (Shakespeare 148). Othello's Weak Judgment of Character From the start of the play, Shakespeare portrays Othello as a weak judge of character. The tragic hero is unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy, which heightens...

Words: 869

Pages: 4

Downfall of Oedipus Is the Work of the gods; Othello Self-inflicted

Othello, Moor of Venice, by William Shakespeare, and Oedipus King, by Sophocles, share some parallels in that they all feature characters who are befallen by tragedies outside their grasp. The misfortune of King Oedipus was caused by the gods' job. This was due to the gods' prophecy that the king...

Words: 1755

Pages: 7

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg is a painter and dancer who uses visual gestures to interact. The Dance at MoMA Creativity is one of the standout features of the dance at the MoMA. The dancers' outfits were both ethical and stunning. The colors of the props matched the colors of the backdrop and the...

Words: 286

Pages: 2

The Great wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, also known as the Great Wave, is a woodblock art item printed between 1829 and 1833 by the Japanese artist Hokusai. The Great Wave is one of the most well-known works of Japanese sculpture in the world. The item represents the Great Wave, which was...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Thomas Gainsborough Painting

Thomas Gainsborough managed to persuade his father to support him to study portray in London at the age of 13. Conceding to the plea, the father allowed him, and Thomas went to apprentice with a French Illustrator, Hubert Gravelot, whose experience with Rococo artwork greatly influenced Thomas’ apprenticeship. By the...

Words: 1478

Pages: 6

Italian Renaissance (1400-1527)

The Renaissance duration is a time in European history that began in Italy in the 14th century. The length was marked by the rebirth of art, literature and philosophy. Also reffered to “seconda generazione”, Early Renaissance artists such as Andrea del Castagno, Paolo Uccello, Fra Angelico, Filippo Lippi and Leone...

Words: 976

Pages: 4

Conflict of Wildlife and Human

I slected the word "green" as my beginning point because green is a main color of the world, related to the nature. Nature is all around us, and this is what makes Earth different from the rest of the planets. For the majority of us, humans, it shows harmony and...

Words: 1184

Pages: 5

Blue Rider Painting

Blue Rider Artists and Their Influence Blue Rider is an agency of artists based in Germany who played a principal role in the development of summary art. A painting in the AIC is considered as a Blue Rider (Der Balue Reiter) if it is created through artists in Germany, especially those...

Words: 325

Pages: 2


During the early Renaissance, paintings represented deposits of social relationship and artists were substantially supported by means of the wealthy merchants and rulers. These artists had been famous during their times. With the fame, many artists have been convinced that they deserved exceptional privileges and consideration and in most cases,...

Words: 582

Pages: 3

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