Essays on Addiction


The Use of the Term "Dope" in Contemporary Culture The term "dope" is used to describe something exceptional or exceptional, as well as something admirable or praiseworthy. It's also likely that drug addicts use the term in comments like "as good as being high on dope" and "is it dope" to...

Words: 1030

Pages: 4

A Case for Legalization of Marijuana for Recreational Use in New Jersey

Marijuana legalization in America Marijuana legalization is one of the most contentious topics in America today. Though Colorado, Oregon, California, and five other states have all legalized marijuana, although with limits, other states are either debating the subject or have decided to ignore it entirely. New Jersey is one of the...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

Clinical findings that correlate with chronic bronchitis of M.K

Question 1: What clinical results are associated with M.K. s chronic bronchitis? M.K is suffering from smoking-induced chronic bronchitis, based on his symptoms and case report. This is illustrated by her historical account of cigarette smoking (Gipson, 2016). Chronic bronchitis is most often caused by cigarette smoking. Chronic bronchitis causes the...

Words: 698

Pages: 3

Tobacco and alcohol

Many people are misled into believing that legalizing substances like tobacco and alcohol, as well as the government s ability to regulate their use, would make them less dangerous to society. Since people have differing viewpoints on various issues in life, every speaker or author should focus on persuading their audience...

Words: 1209

Pages: 5

Why relationships don’t work in recovery

Drug misuse remains a controversial topic that has sparked a wide range of studies and viewpoints. Drug abusers display behavioral, physiological, and cognitive patterns that evolve as a result of long-term alcohol dependence and a loss of self-control, with the drug of choice acting as the main motivator. Drug recovery...

Words: 1670

Pages: 7

Air Force Values can strenghten the White Ribbon Campaign in

Preventing Domestic and Family Violence Name Institution Date Air Force Values can Reinforce the White Ribbon Campaign in Preventing Domestic and Family Violence Introduction Domestic violence or abuse are forms of violence where the victim has a close relationship with the offender. The offenders intimidate the victim, make them feel...

Words: 1782

Pages: 7

The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Years

The Need to Lower the Drinking Age to 18 The passage of restrictive legislation restricting alcohol consumption to those aged 21 and up has ignited heated debate among Americans. Though the stated laws were intended to minimize the high and growing number of death cases and other health-related problems linked to...

Words: 1592

Pages: 6

A Witch Hunt in the War on Drugs

Many illicit drugs, such as cocaine, marijuana, and opium, and other psychedelics, have long been used by people for medical, spiritual, and recreational purposes. However, some have been made illegal in the last century, while others have remained legal, raising the question of why the disparities exist. As a result,...

Words: 1661

Pages: 7

Globally, The Drug Epidemic

Opioid Crisis in America Opioids are medications that are often used as analgesia and anesthesia to cause central sensitization of the nervous system. Opioid misuse is a problem that exists in 50-state America in the form of flow-out drug mill facilities where pain relief treatment is dished out like sugar and...

Words: 731

Pages: 3

Type 2 Diabetes

The article sets out the different classifications of diabetes mellitus and shows an accurate diagnosis of the diabetic disease. The importance of the article is that it points out the various pathogenic pathways that contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Chou, Tin Kin, et al." "Misconceptions about smoking...

Words: 1085

Pages: 4

Dependent and Independent Variables

Identify the Independent Variable for each hypothesis mentioned (IV). Indicate if the IV is categorical or continuous. Indicate if the IV is on an interval or ratio scale if continuous. Then, the Dependent Variable (DV) is defined. Indicate if the DV is categorical or continuous. Indicate that the DV is...

Words: 273

Pages: 1

Abuse of Drugs

Drug misuse is perceived to be the most serious public issue impacting almost all facets of the family or society. Every year the use of drugs leads to a variety of severe American accidents or illnesses. Cocaine, opium, marijuana and others are the most abusive narcotics. Drog abuse is the...

Words: 968

Pages: 4

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