Essays on Addiction

Essay on marijuana benefits on health

This project aims to investigate if marijuana is ultimately hazardous for human consumption or if it has certain favorable effects on the human body that can be quite beneficial to the users' lives. This project involves conducting a literature review on some of the accessible publications that describe the benefits...

Words: 3622

Pages: 14

The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Instilling Eye Drops

When giving ophthalmic drops, hand cleanliness should be emphasized. It is one of the most important strategies of preventing nosocomial infections in the eye care practice setting, so it should be the initial step in the instillation of eye drops. The hypothesis is supported by the nature of the eyes,...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

The establishment of school-based clinics in North Central Regina

Most people of the most hazardous neighborhood in the nation live in North Central Regina, one of Canada's poorest cities, and depend on government assistance (Gatehouse, 2007). Health officials also discovered that the city has a high drug abuse rate and that many young girls, aged 11 to 12, work...

Words: 871

Pages: 4


Cannabis plant preparation known as marijuana is intended to be used as a medication or medicine. The drug is frequently used for its euphoric, generalized alteration in perception, and feeling of being extremely drunk or "stoned" mental and physical effects. Youths are now increasingly using marijuana as a recreational substance....

Words: 3521

Pages: 13

Personal Use of Marijuana Legalization

The Issue of Legalizing Marijuana Usage The issue of legalizing marijuana usage for personal or recreational purposes has frequently been regarded as a topical and contentious topic that has been hotly disputed. The issue with marijuana legalization is not so much what you use as it is how people use it....

Words: 1236

Pages: 5

An evaluation of six brief interventions that target drug-related problems in correctional populations

Introduction Joe and colleagues wrote the article (2012). The article is based on the growing number of inmates in both local and federal prisons as a result of drug addiction. The purpose of the report was to look into various intervention mechanisms that could be utilized to lessen the country’s ever-increasing...

Words: 1319

Pages: 5

Review Evaluation of the DARE Program

The DARE Program The pervasiveness of substance addiction has compelled governments, organizations, families, and people to seek alternatives to the practice. Substance misuse among school-age children is on the rise, necessitating the development of effective interventions. According to the DARE website, the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program is one of...

Words: 582

Pages: 3

Simple possession of drugs

Drugs should be legalized for simple possession since doing so will eliminate many issues relating to the worry of unlawful ownership. First off, the number of drug-related offenses would decline. For instance, as Kalant (2010) noted, narcotics are so expensive on the illicit market that many people who otherwise could...

Words: 420

Pages: 2

“Does the legalization of Marijuana increase in Teens smoking

The article “Does the legalization of Marijuana Increase the Smoking Rate Among Teens? I chose the subject because I have observed many people, especially my friends, engage in the habit of smoking marijuana, and I hope that this essay would inform me in some way. The opening is good and sets...

Words: 553

Pages: 3

Alcoholism essay

Alcoholism is a chronic medical condition. It is characterized by unchecked alcohol consumption that has an impact on the user's family, work obligations, and mental or physical health. Many people in the culture have either died from it or have been severely affected by it. More teens and adults than...

Words: 1778

Pages: 7

About Medical Marijuana

Since marijuana was seen to have no medical value, the US Congress wisely decided to include it in the Controlled Substances Act in 1970. But since then, 29 of the 50 states in the US have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and the federal government has not...

Words: 851

Pages: 4

Caffeine's Neurologic and Metabolic Effects

This study aims to identify the metabolic pathways that caffeine in the body upregulates and their impact on physical activity. Caffeine's effects on the metabolism and bodily activities can be mapped using thorough study and successfully performed studies. Caffeine metabolism is influenced by the user's genotype and physical condition. Pregnancy,...

Words: 1427

Pages: 6

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