Synthesis Essays

This type of academic writing represents a synthesis or a clever mixture of various views on a provided topic. See our essay examples to see how the authors incorporate discovered sources to determine different opinions and connect them with a strong thesis. As a rule, you do not have to defend any opinion because the aim here is to discuss and outline a synthesis of someone else’s research work. Even though every paper sample that you will encounter will remind you of a summary, do not forget to include a personal opinion in your essay example. Every source that you use in a synthesis essay paper must have a clear connection to your thesis statement, either supporting your opinion or taking the opposite side.

The Era of Modernism

Despite the fact that the words modernization and modernity are often used interchangeably, modernism is not the same. While modernization is referred to as a historical process, modernism is a time in global history. The rapid urbanization that followed the transition from an agrarian to an industrial economy marked the...

Words: 1145

Pages: 5

The poem “Me gusta andar de noche”

One of the best-known poems by Concha Mendez: "Me gusta andar de noche" One of the best-known poems by noted Spanish poet Concha Mendez is "Me gusta andar de noche." The poem, which Mendez wrote while living in exile in Cuba, first appeared in the 1939 novel El ciervo herido (The...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

The Awakening by Kate Chopin

He found it very disheartening that his wife, who was the only reason he existed, showed such little interest in the matters that worried him and showed such little appreciation for his conversation. The chocolates and peanuts for the boys had been neglected by Mr. Pontellier. Despite this, he still...

Words: 662

Pages: 3

Philip Roth, Nemesis

Satires are used by the author to call into doubt the validity of Jewish religion. As the text makes clear, Bucky questions Marcia about the reason for Jewish polio victims' deaths. (Roth 63). He also demands to know whether God hears a believer's pleas, and if so, why do they...

Words: 395

Pages: 2

Abortion issue

Premature termination of a pregnancy is done in order to prevent delivery. Abortion can happen spontaneously at times when no one makes the choice to end the pregnancy, or it can decide to happen on its own. Additionally, some abortions take place as a result of medical advice from physicians....

Words: 2201

Pages: 9

Outsiders: Study in the sociology of deviance

The work expands on sociology and the traditional study of deviance. It complements scientific inferences that attempt to explain human nature by adding more knowledge about pseudoscience. It also offers ideas regarding how an individual develops their sense of self. As a result, the book establishes a connection between behavior,...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold

The Final Stanza The final verse of Matthew Arnold's poem Dover Beach is the subject of the excerpt. The complete poem is founded on the evil elements present in the world, such as the meaninglessness of faith and love. the trouble-filled universe in all its manifestations. The main character seeks out...

Words: 647

Pages: 3

On his Blindness

When we get lost, there is always a chance to find our way back to the correct path. We get off course, totally lose our way, and then make an effort to find ourselves again. As we struggle through life, some people lose all hope, but by the time they...

Words: 652

Pages: 3

The power of speech

In the Genesis account of creation Where God creates everything in the world out of nothing, the power of speech is clearly demonstrated. Since speech originates from one's conception of reality, one should never undervalue the mouth as an instrument in reality creation. Depending on one's status in society, it has...

Words: 1111

Pages: 5

Twelfth Night

The confusion and disorders that are constantly fueling the play's comic genre are catalyzed by errors and disguises throughout. In the drama, several characters adopt guises. In order to create internal strife and confusion among the characters in a way that appeals to the audience, Shakespeare uses disguise in his...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6

Marco Micone

In Voiceless People by Marco Micone, the attitude of the immigrant toward labor is explained. Micone argues the distinct cultures and identity that are in danger of extinction using the framework of the Italian community. Micone uses dramatic techniques to make the case that the deferral between cultures is one...

Words: 1299

Pages: 5

What is not poetry? How to identify

Poetry is frequently referred to as writing with specific characteristics that set it apart in its visual and auditory presentation. The poetic dictation has a well-organized structure thanks to its aesthetic and rhythmic characteristics. Such qualities not only provide an outstanding acoustic essence but also allow for various meanings. The...

Words: 990

Pages: 4

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