Essays on Philosophy

As you write your philosophy essay, remember that philosophy is one of the most ancient areas of knowledge – it emerged in the 7th-6th centuries BC in India, China, and Ancient Greece. According to some philosophy essays, the word “Philosophy” can be translated from ancient Greek as a "love of wisdom”. Many essays on philosophy introduce a more formal definition of philosophy – a form of spiritual activity, aimed at posing, analyzing, and resolving fundamental issues, related to the development of a holistic view of the world and the place of humans in it. Humanity's most prominent philosophers are Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius, Plato, Kant, Locke, Nietzsche, Socrates, and many others. Do you want some helpful tips for your essay? Our philosophy essay samples have plenty! Check samples of essays below for more info.

Value-chain analysis Tiffany and Co

Tiffany and Co is an American luxury jewelry company that began in 1837 as a stationery and upmarket merchandise emporium but later specialized in jewelry in 1853. Since then, the company has opened stores in major capitals all over the world. Tiffany and Co became a fully-fledged publicly traded corporation...

Words: 452

Pages: 2

Twitter Case Study

As the global market becomes more dynamic and competitive The need to develop a strong customer experience and satisfaction has grown extra demanding and a basic move to achieve global competitiveness and suitability. [U1] In this regard, Twitter as one of the global companies ought to develop a strong mission statement...

Words: 2662

Pages: 10

The Ethical Dilemma in the Case of Peter

The ethical issues that can be identified in the case of Peter regard the impact that Peter’s smoking habit is having on the clients and its effect on the center’s goals and purpose. Peter is obligated by the policies to ensure that he does not smoke within 50 feet of...

Words: 587

Pages: 3

Compare and contrast Titchener Structionalism to the functionalist system of psychology

Introduction Functionalism and structuralism were the first schools of thought in psychology. They are understood through a consideration of historical and the social contexts of their development. AS an independent discipline, psychology was founded by Wilhelm, a Germany scholar in 1879. He explained psychology as a study of conscious experience which...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

Aristotelian Perspective on Character Formation

Dr Tamar Gendler’s lecture on virtue and habit provides an Aristotelian perspective on character formation. The lecture makes a connection between philosophical perspectives on virtues, and the normative and descriptive laws that guide people’s habits. Dr Gendler suggests that character is formed by connecting normative laws with descriptive laws –...

Words: 914

Pages: 4

Is It Possible for an Immoral Person to Be Truly Happy?

In the chapter, Happiness and Immorality, Cahn and Murphy bring forth arguments that explain the happy immoralist and the unhappy immoralist respectively. In particular, Cahn presents a fictitious persona whose primary objectives include gaining fame, reputation, and wealth. However, the person employs dishonest tactics which are immoral in his pursuit...

Words: 1385

Pages: 6

Nationalism and National Identity

Introduction            The term nationalism is used to describe attitudes or actions that particular members of a nation have having concerning their national identity. On the other hand, national identity denotes members of common ethnicity, origin or cultural ties, something that has been referred to as individual membership in a nation....

Words: 588

Pages: 3

The Problem of Perception in The Problems of Philosophy

After reading Bertrand Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy There were some questions that strike out when one finishes the text. One such question involves the difference between appearance and reality. Russell explains that the way things appear is different from how they really are in the strict sense. As such, reality...

Words: 319

Pages: 2

Plato's Concept of Reality

IntroductionOne of the most challenging ideologies in life is the understanding of the world around us. As human beings, we all make an effort to understand how we are alive, the purpose of our existence, and what is reality? However, most of us are not confident in trying to understand...

Words: 1633

Pages: 6

The Ethics of Breaking Promises

People define morality in different ways. What is right or wrong depends on the norms and values of a particular social group, ethnic group, or a state, but there is the universal law which is applied to everyone. It is good to keep promises as the act portrays our truthfulness,...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

Kant, Singer and Thomson on Moral Obligation

The philosophical proponents of moral obligation The philosophical proponents of moral obligation, such as Kant affirm that is incorrect to assert that all the right acts are right for the same reason. The two important issues to consider in this case are the effects of the action and the action itself....

Words: 981

Pages: 4

The Argument for the Existence of God

Metaphysics and the Existence of God Metaphysics refers to a branch of philosophy that studies the life of being. For instance, it explores the presence of the universe, God, identity, space, and time. This paper will discuss if God exists because of the first motion. Also, the essay will use "metaphysics"...

Words: 1749

Pages: 7

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