Essays on Marketing Strategy

The Usefulness of Service Blueprints

A service blueprint is a planning instrument that offers direction on the way services would be delivered in operations stating support systems, staff actions, and physical evidence required to provide services in various channels (Polaine, Løvlie and Reason 2013, p.21). Additionally, it is utilized to unearth any unrealized chances and...

Words: 2106

Pages: 8

Pink Lady Orchards

Most businesses are nowadays adopting online marketing in promoting their products. Since the introduction of the internet, online marketing influences the profitability and consumer-awareness of the organizations’ goods and services. While some of the online marketing strategies are effective and enable attraction of more customers and growth in sales, another...

Words: 1048

Pages: 4

The modification of Gillette's marketing strategy

Gillette's Marketing Approach Gillette is making a significant change to its marketing approach, which is defined by a 20% price reduction on its razors. Competition and market demand are the two major environmental factors that have driven this action. (Tuttle, 2017). Gillette and its major rival Schick have been working on...

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Argentina Sales Promotion

A selling proposal and its advantages A selling proposal is a distinctive and strategic marketing method used by a company to achieve favorable results. The advice is helpful in gaining new clients and expanding into new markets. As a result, the shoe selling offer in Argentina will include targeted advertising to...

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Pages: 2

Possible Social Media Influence

Social Media Impact on Lamborghini Urus SUV Because it provides a platform for sales and marketing, social media will have a significant impact on the Lamborghini Urus SUV. Even before the SUV's release, images of its initial testing have leaked online, allowing Lamborghini fans to compare and debate its characteristics. As...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4

Project Budgeting

When a company's costs rise, so does its profit margin. As a result, the associated expenditures must be reduced as much as possible. When costs are low, profits are high. A budget is supplied to avoid under- or over-estimation of the relevant expense. An operating budget will provide predictions of...

Words: 533

Pages: 2


Promotion and marketing of products depend on product design. Without taking into account the marketing techniques that they should implement to enable the huge sales to the clients, many businesses have started generating products for sale. When presenting a new product to the market, the product's design is very important....

Words: 2603

Pages: 10

A Marketing Strategy

Introduction People frequently confuse a marketing plan with a market strategy. A marketing plan describes how a company will accomplish its marketing objectives. It involves putting a business strategy into action, a road map that will lead the organization from one step to the next. A successful marketing plan involves more...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

About Marketing

One of the ideas used in the process of linking consumers and marketplaces is marketing. Marketing is described as "an action and process in a market and markets are connected," according to Finch (2012). (foreword). This definition makes it clear that marketing is necessary for a market to exist....

Words: 574

Pages: 3

Business Strategy Report

To promote and sell jewelry, A.N. plans to collaborate with a network of agents. It is network marketing or direct selling. To use this strategy, one must be confident in their ability to introduce others to the items and opportunities, whether offline or online. Therefore, cultivating a positive mindset is...

Words: 2513

Pages: 10

E-Bank Services for University Students Using AIDA Theory

The AIDA Model in Marketing The term AIDA is a useful technique in advanced marketing for making sure that one's goods or services attract attention. The attention/awareness, curiosity, desire, and action aspects are all present in the sales flyer. The AIDA model will offer e-Banking services from M&T Bank, with college...

Words: 410

Pages: 2


The major factors determining an organization's success are marketing and marketing strategy, which are the topics of the research study. As a result, it is imperative to pay close attention when implementing a marketing plan for corporate entities. Company companies might reach their predetermined business goals by putting marketing tactics...

Words: 3928

Pages: 15

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